The Journey of Losing 110 lbs

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I have been meaning to write about my journey on how I lost 110 lbs (2009 - 2011). It took me almost two years to lose the weight. But, eventually, I got it done.

I never wanted my friends to either to talk about it or take pictures of me; I didn't want to accept the reality. I was obese and was not going to do anything about it.

At the time, I was going to college full time in Miami, Florida. Eating whatever I wanted (fan of the dollar menu) and for sure not stepping close to a gym. I would even avoid walking. Haha, silly me.

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In 2009, I decided I needed to change. I needed to get my health back. I would always tell myself I didn't have time to workout or prep my meals or sleep. I told myself "Sergio Make time!"

Once I was mentally in the right place to accept what needed to be done, I started my adventure to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.

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How much weight? I didn't know at the time. I just needed to start somewhere.  I started with small goals. For example, I'm going to lose 5 pounds this month. Once I accomplished that goal I moved to the next goal. Losing 10 pounds, and so on. Finally, from 320 lbs to 210 lbs!



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HerE ARE the 5 CHANGES I MADE that helped my weight loss journey!

1) Resistance Training - Compound Movements


Focusing on big muscle group movements would help me burn more calories while building muscle. Compound movements engage more than one muscle group. 

I made these exercises a priority at the beginning. I would add this full body workout 2-4 times in my weekly routine.

Resistance Training

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Push Up

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Article about how often should you be working out!

Remember to stretch after your workout!


2) High-Intensity Interval Training - Steady State Cardio


Circuit Training
CT Is the completion of 2 or more exercises performed back to back.

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15 Reps of Deadlifts - 30 Reps of Kettlebell Swings

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20 Reps of TRX Squats - 20 Reps of TRX Squat Jumps


Metabolic Training
It's similar to circuit training; it just requires you to minimize rest times to maximize burning more calories.

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Battle Ropes - Medicine Slams - 10 Sets, 30 Second Work, 10 Second Rest


MMA (Combat Sports) 

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Wrestling & Kickboxing

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Muay Thai

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30 second rest at lvl 10 - 30 second burst at lvl 20

Add these exercises to your workout to switch up your routine!




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It's difficult at the beginning, but it just takes a couple of days for you to adapt to eating less.  It's not about being full, it's about being satisfied.

- Eat more fiber (fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.) 
- Eat healthy fats (avocados, tuna, nuts, dark chocolate, eggs, etc.)
- Increase protein intake
- Decrease carbohydrate intake (in particular on the nights where there is no workout planned)
- Minimize simple carbohydrates (baked goods, cookies, white bread, fruit juice, white pasta, soda pop, jam, white rice, etc.)
- Increase complex carbohydrates (spinach, apples, zucchini, asparagus, brown rice, kidney beans,  whole wheat bread, lentils, etc.)
- Don't starve
- Avoid eating late at night (try and make your last meal 3-4 hours before you sleep)
- Avoid fast foods at all time


4) Drink water or more water


- Replace caloric drinks with Water
- Drink before you eat
- Drink water before, during and after going to the gym
- Drink at least 6 - 8 ounces of cups of water
- If you get tired of drinking water because of the taste, add some lemon slices
- Drink cold water in the morning

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Cowboy Charmander making sure I drink my last 2 cups of water

5) Sleep more

- Stops you from going to the fridge
- The more you sleep, the more you burn calories
- More energy, less fatigue
- The body recovers quicker rather than sleeping less

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Sergio Pedemonte

Sergio Pedemonte is the CEO and principal of Your House Fitness, successful entrepreneur and SEO expert based in Toronto, Canada. Sergio has been featured in a number of news outlets including Global News, CBC and Humber College as a fitness and wellness expert.

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