Fascial Stretch Therapy | FST

What Is Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST)

Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is a therapeutic method of targeting the connective tissue that surrounds your muscle, bones and joints. FST is designed to keep you more mobile, flexible, while improving your energy levels and circulation. These sessions will help you feel more functional and balanced, reducing the risk of injury.

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Prices (+HST)

$85 Per Session (Studio)
$100: Per Session (Home)

Fascial Stretch Therapy (a New and Different Kind of Stretching for You and Your Body)

When one happens upon the idea of doing stretches for their body (we’re assuming that you do, otherwise, please start doing it), it’s common to think of the IT band, or the hamstrings, or even the lower back. Or sometimes, it’s just general stretching of the limbs as a warm-up before exercising or entering the gym for a day of working out. 

However, truth is, while all of those that are listed above are good habits (especially for people with an active lifestyle), there can be only so many body parts that can directly benefit from constant stretching, aside from those tight muscles, that is. 

Nowadays however, therapists are using a new method of targeted stretching. Said to provide deep relaxation, this new form of stretching targets a specific body component that we wouldn’t be at all surprised if you’ve never heard of it before: Fascia. 

But first off, what is fascia? And what is this targeted stretching method we are talking about?

FST (An In-body Connection)

Simply put, fascia is what’s called as a fibrous connective tissues. Both incredibly strong and flexible, this tissue basically supports everything in our bodies, wrapping itself around muscles, ligaments, bones, organs, and even our nerves. It’s essentially a sort of “magical” web sheathing that covers every part of our body while also linking it. Seamless and flowing from top to bottom, we may not notice it, but it’s there, and it’s actually responsible for a lot of sensations and feelings we get. 

For example, a relaxed fascia can help our body move fluidly and freely, while a stressed one offers the opposite, making our movements restricted and in some cases, painful. In fact, it’s even said to directly affect our emotions, such as the feeling of super tight skin, or even the feeling of restlessness in your body. 

The aforementioned targeted stretching method focuses on our fascia, making sure it’s free to move without any restrictions, giving us as much comfort as it can possibly give.

The Fascial Stretching Method

Thoroughly researched and organized by top industry professionals, fascial stretch therapy (FST) is essentially an assisted stretching program. Specially developed to target the fascia and help ease it into relaxation, it’s usually performed on a treatment table, with the patient held down by stabilization straps to help keep their limbs in place. While doing so gives the therapist better control of their patient, it also helps keep the patient more relaxed, what with the feeling of security. 

Due to this, FST are usually bed and anchor based stretches, with the therapists typically using hands on techniques to help ease tension. One of its major components is traction, which therapists use to target joints, open them up, and create needed space for an increased motion range. Like the whole therapy itself, it’s free of pain and relaxing, although some areas might require more intense traction if needed. 

Who Is Fascial Stretch Therapy For

While FST and its techniques are still relatively unknown to the general public, the treatment has actually quietly seeped in through the world unnoticed. As a matter of fact, it’s been present in the treatment programs of professional athletes for quite some time.

However, the treatment is not just for professional athletes, and its many benefits can easily be enjoyed by people of all ages. Furthermore, continued research about fascia is giving therapists more information as to how this soft tissue should be treated to positively impact our health and mind.

How Is Fascial Stretch Therapy Different from Other Types of Traditional Stretching Treatments

  • It follows a logical order

  • The amount of stretching is equal to the current goals

  • Tunes your nervous system to what it currently needs

  • Provides maximal lengthening by way of utilizing traction

  • Targets the entire joint

  • Gets the optimal results by facilitating natural body reflexes

  • Utilizes full range of motion without any pain whatsoever

  • Stretches not just our muscles but also our neuromyofascial

  • Makes use of multiple planes of movement


Benefits of Fascial Stretch Therapy

  • Completely full body therapy

  • Full relaxation

  • Increases strength

  • Increases flexibility

  • Improves motor functions

  • Improves overall posture

  • Improves body balance

  • Uses hands on techniques to balance your fascial chains, which in turn helps achieve proper level of elastic-stiffness

  • Fixes any structural imbalances

  • Injury rehab

  • Better sleeping patterns

  • Improved recovery

  • Better muscle function