Kinesiology | Kinesiologist

Why A Kinesiologist?

Our Kinesiologists are registered healthcare providers who specialize in the analysis, evaluation, and treatment of human movement. These registered health care providers have breadth in all aspects of human movement performance; they possess a skill set as unique and diverse as our client’s goals. They are able to assist in athletic development, weight management, injury rehabilitation, and disease education.


Learn About Our Kinesiology Program

There are many ways our kinesiologists can help you achieve your fitness goals.  Our kinesiologists perform various treatments such as trigger point therapy and postural therapy; just to name a few.

Our excellent team can help to manage chronic pain, disease, and injury.  Our kinesiologists will create effective treatment plans that focus on rehabilitation as well as fitness training, creating a complete program to help you optimize your health and fitness goals.

Our team strives to constantly educate themselves, and continues to provide the latest treatment based upon clinical evidence and scientific backing; no gimmicks and no bogus treatments, we offer only the best and qualified professionals and programs that are proven to work! 


Prices (+HST)

$75 - 90: Per Session
Prices vary on packages*

History of Kinesiology

Kinesiology sounds like the fanciest of words when you hear in the few instances that you hear it get thrown around in the medical field. For some, it may even sound magical, sort of like a spell, while to others, it leans very much science-y, both complicated and fascinating.

However, the truth is not very far removed from the ones mentioned above, although it’s much more simple and straightforward. Initially started back in the 1960s by an American who’s a chiropractor by trade, kinesiology refers to the study and observation of both human and non-human movement. As a more detailed explanation, the subject’s study is an all-inclusive examination of all the factors that can be put into play when it comes to the possibility of any material, organic or inorganic, set in current motion. Think of it as a study based on the belief that our bodies have its own bio feedback system, a system wherein observations in it can be read via muscle responses.

Kinesiology-focused researchers, or those that specialize in the study, focus on different areas to better understand and dissect the concept of movement. This includes concepts such as biomechanics, physiology, and even psychology. For applications, the study lends itself towards a wide variety of specific scientific disciplines, which includes physical therapy, athletic rehabilitation, and sports psychology, among many others. In fact, university-based researchers take it to themselves to work with families, groups, individuals, and even health professionals to help apply the study’s principles (biomechanics, psychomotor behavior, physiology) to help improve people’s health, performance, and overall function.

These Kinesiologists, as they are called, are also heavily committed to improving the quality of life through promoting the prevention of injury, promoting physical activity in and out of the workplace, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and overall just improve health and performance.

Who Is Kinesiology For

Since it’s easy to understand that the study is an umbrella term (the study represents a vast intersection that connects neuroscience, anatomy, biomechanics, and psychology), kinesiology can be used in different ways, from trying to get rid of any phobias, to just feeling healthier, to even helping revive back the passion in the bedroom.

In fact, through proper application done by a professional, the study is highly capable of helping people move better, live longer, and overall lead a much healthier lifestyle. However, the study is under three disciplines, which are:


At its core, those who practice kinesiology are trained to be experts at management, whether it’s with injury or even something as serious as a chronic disease. Using empowerment to assist the injured and affirm those who are in need, kinesiologists help their clients learn to manage their own problems, and ultimately lead a better life. As a matter of fact, kinesiology experts can even help manage diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular ailments, and are also known to help manage and prevent musculoskeletal disorders.


As mentioned above, those who practice kinesiology are committed to making sure their clients’ health, performance and overall quality of life are all significantly improved. To achieve this, kinesiology experts work with patients of all ages, studying every level of function and physical abilities to help study, track, and manage their personal goals when it comes to fitness and health.


According to the Public Health of Canada, “physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk of over 25 chronic conditions.” These include certain types of cancer, diabetes, chronic heart disease, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure, strokes, and even certain mental health conditions, all of which kinesiology experts are working hard to prevent. This way, the quality of life is significantly improved, all by using a non-invasive therapy method.

Kinesiology Regulations in Toronto

In the country of Canada, kinesiologists are regulated via a provincial manner, and it has been this way since 2013, when its study and practice first became a regulated health profession due to the founding of the College of Kinesiology of Ontario (CKO). Presently, other jurisdictions have also received similar proposals, with the study soon to be legislated in three other Canadian provinces.

Furthermore, in the province of Ontario, the study of kinesiology is a self-regulated profession, meaning that it follows a developed set of rules that help regulated it. And since the term “kinesiologist” is protected in the province, only individuals that are registered in the college can themselves (or refer to themselves) as such. While providing their services, these individuals are also required to use the terms/titles “kinesiologist,” “registered kinesiologist,” or the designation “R.Kin.”

Anyone who is planning on being a practicing kinesiologist must also first have all of the following

  • A degree in Kinesiology; must be 4 years at length minimum, or a degree in a similar course, such as physical education and/or human kinetics

  • Submit (and pass) a criminal record check to the college

  • Pass the College’s specially formulated entry-to-practice exam

Once registered, these individuals are now allowed to use the titles mentioned above, with the exception of “certified kinesiologist,” which is no longer recognized. Kinesiologists are also required to do the following:

  • Adhere to the College’s own set of ethics

  • Practice only according to the College’s guidelines and standard practices

  • Act in the client’s best interests

  • Participate in the College’s very own Quality Assurance Program

  • Renew license annually

Other Kinesiology Organizations

It’s also not just the CKO that’s promoting the study in Canada, as CKA, or the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance, is also a non-profit the organization that’s currently championing the study in Canada. Presently, the org’s goal is to advocate for the study, while also further advancing it into the country.

With 9 provincial kinesiology associations and over 4,000 affiliated kinesiology practitioners, CKA strives to become a unifying voice for Kinesiology and the science behind it.