Different Full Body Workouts
Unilateral Workouts and Bilateral Workouts each have their advantages and disadvantages. The best thing to do is to include a combination of both types of exercises to reduce the risk of muscular imbalance in the body. Learn more about what muscular imbalances mean, where they come from, and how to correct them.

Best Foot Positioning for Squats
Your foot positioning during squats can dictate which areas of the legs you are engaging. Learn more about the different types of foot positioning for squats, and which may be the best squatting foot position for you!

Is Having a Lower Heart Rate Better for Your Fitness Levels? | About Heart Rate
Having a lower heart rate has many health benefits, most notably, reducing your risk of heart disease. Learn more about how to lower heart rate, including the fastest methods to do so.

Chin Up Progression | How to Get Your First Chin Up
It may seem hard to work up to performing your first chin-up, but there are many chin-up progressions that you can do to help you get there! Keep reading to learn about these chin-up progressions, and how you can progress to a one arm chin-up.

Lower Back Corrective Exercises | Back Strengthening Exercises
Many times we are stuck in one position throughout the day, we are glued with our butts right to our chair from 9-5. There are so many issues our body can run into by being so stagnant. Today we cover one of the biggest culprits. Lower back pain, many of us just tolerate this and expect it to be apart of life and getting older. Lower back corrective exercises are very important to help prevent this. Corrective exercises can help relieve lower back pain and prevent it. Just every other day running through a couple of exercises every single day or every other day for a few minutes can be your save and grace.

Engaging Multiple Muscle Groups with Complex Movements
Today we are going to talk about complexes, why combining to separate exercises together into one movement may be beneficial for you. Showing you how to execute these complexes efficiently, and provide you with different levels of difficulty. Starting from the easiest, and progressing our way down to the hardest.

Am I Making Progress (Body Composition)
Have you been working out for the gym or have just started and thought to yourself “How am I going to know if I'm making any progress at all?”. There are many ways to know if you’re making progress some of them are way simpler and cost-effective than others. Weight Scale, Taking Measurement (Measuring Tape, B.I.A and Fat Calipers.

The Importance of Warming Up
Injuries are the one thing that can set us many steps back and put a hold on our fitness journey, sometimes all it takes is one wrong step and pop, there goes the next six months. Warming up plays a huge role in the prevention of injury by making our muscles, joints, and tendons more pliable by providing more blood flow to them. Movement prep is another huge aspect when warming up movements it can help you identify any tight areas that should be mobilized prior to performing exercises to ensure that you have equal mobility on either side and aren’t over compensating by any mean

Do Fad Diets Work?
Have you ever heard your colleague rave about this new diet, they started keto or started doing intermittent fasting and they have lost all this weight, they're looking great and you started contemplating would this work for me? Today I am going to run you through all the basics of "FAD" diets, the most basic weight loss principle and why or why not these diets may work for you and show you why exactly that is.

Why Full Body Works Better for a Busy Professional
Truly the 9-5, sometimes longer for some leaves us with quite of a pinch for time and looking for balance in our lives. For most, this means only getting into the gym 2-3 times per week (ideally). Today I'll tell you why doing full body instead of splits in your exercise program will benefit you more!

Why Is Rapid Weight Loss Bad?
Today we look into a societal issue, seriously. When analyzing deadlifts on Instagram, we tend to see a lot of bad Instagram deadlifting, especially when lifting heavy. These are complex movements, that need to be broken down and walked through when performing. This video will provide you with the BIGGEST mistakes and how to FIX them.

The Importance of Correcting Muscle Imbalances Posture
Everyone has faced the challenges of the day to day, sitting too long, working with things in front of us. Eventually, this will lead to some tight muscles and weak opposing muscles. Today we address upper crossed syndrome and lower crossed syndrome. Identifying which areas are weak/tight and how to fix them!

Why You Should Track Your Workouts
it's very easy to go day to day, from one gym session to the other. Are you truly getting the most bang for your buck, making leaps and bounds towards you goals? Or are you just wasting your time? Let me ask you, have you been tracking all of your workouts, progressing from week to week, month to month?

How Important Is Nutrition to Your Goals
Nutrition is a huge thing in fitness-related goals, just because you do a lot of cardio doesn't mean you lose weight and just because you pick up some heavy weights doesn't mean you'll add size. Today we tell you why it's important to know how much you're eating and how you can tweak calories to lose weight and gain weight!

To Many S**t Instagram Deadlifts
Today we look into a societal issue, seriously. When analyzing deadlifts on Instagram, we tend to see a lot of bad Instagram deadlifting, especially when lifting heavy. These are complex movements, that need to be broken down and walked through when performing. This video will provide you with the BIGGEST mistakes and how to FIX them.