How Important Is Nutrition to Your Goals

How Important Is Nutrition to Your Goals

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Many times we think that just working out will be the solution for all of our problems, whether it may come to weight loss, weight gain or maintenance. Working out will help, but it is less than half of what is needed to get to those goals, the majority will lie in your nutrition. 

When it comes to weight loss we need to eat in a caloric deficit. What does this mean? We need to eat less calories that we need to maintain our current state. This is the only way to actually lose weight. Even if we are exercising and still eating more than we need we will gain weight and not lose weight. Exercising to outrun a bad diet is a trap. Truly you will be running yourself into the ground, the energy deficit should come primarily from dietary intervention, only using the calories burned from exercise as a boost.

For gaining weight we will go in the opposite direction, we will need to eat more than we need to maintain our current state. This can be hard for a lot of people and getting to know how many calories are in something and correlating with how much you are eating in a day, finding ways to boost your caloric intake in easier ways.

Maintaining weight will be a fine balance and can fluctuate based on activity, finding a caloric range and adjusting based on your day +/- 100 calories will probably be needed

In order to figure all of these calories numbers, you will need to use what is called a “macro calculator” it will ask you for your height, weight, age and gender. Based off that information it will give you your approximate caloric maintenance calories. With that you can add or take away 3500 to put yourself in a caloric surplus or deficit based on what you want.

Today’s white board session was to show you the true value of nutrition into your weight goals (weight loss, maintenance or gain).

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