Lower Back Corrective Exercises | Back Strengthening Exercises

Lower Back Corrective Exercises | Back Strengthening Exercises

What Are Corrective Exercises?

Corrective exercises play a huge role in helping prevent aches and pains for everyone. This can either be before the person experiences the pain or to help prevent the pain from ever coming in the first place. These exercises are usually very easy and simple to perform and help strengthen the weak areas that may have caused the pain in the first place.

Why Are Corrective Exercises Important?

More than likely all of us will experience some lower back pain at some point. Our society is poorly set up to help promote lower back health. Sitting for many hours during the day just slowly causes our lower back to get weaker and weaker. Slumped over in our chairs for hours a day in awkward positions, can cause us to be tight on one side of our body when we workout we can tend to lean to one or the other side of our body which can develop imbalances in our body.

Corrective Exercise List

  •  Bird Dog

  • Plank

  • Side Plank

  • Glute Bridges

  • Deadlifts

Correcting Muscle Imbalances (Unilateral vs Bilateral)

Through hours of repetitive motions or lack of motion, it is very common for us to develop muscle imbalances. This can over time lead to lower back pain. Swapping exercises in the corrective exercise list or even including other ones can be a big game-changer in helping to bring up your weaker side. Changing exercises like the glute bridge for a single leg glute bridge and a deadlift for a single leg deadlift can make the world of difference. Truly I cannot emphasize how important it is to tackle this hurdle no matter how annoying it may seem. When you leave asymmetries in your body they will only get worse with time and help bring it up to speed immediately is well advised.

Stretching The Tight Areas

Stretching the tight areas can alleviate a lot of the lower back tension that you may be experiencing. Many times this is a big factor that people ignore when it comes to pain. Even working out, stretching is very important to help relieve the stress and pressure on our muscles and joints after putting them under heavy load.

  • Leaning Hamstring

  • Child’s Pose

  • Cat-Cow

  • Cross

  • Knee to Belly

How Many Times Should I Do This?

When it comes to corrective exercises, depending on the severity of the issues, the pain you are experiencing may vary heavily. For someone who is just experiencing some discomfort or looking to prevent injury, you may be able to complete it every day or every other day. Running through each of the exercises for 1-3 sets, adequate rest. As well as wrapping it off with the stretches, holding each pose for about 20-30 seconds.

The Overall Importance

Many times we take advantage of and abuse our bodies, we only seek help when we have an issue. This information is to help you correct those issues that you may be experiencing at the moment. Once the discomfort or pain is gone it is important to still include these corrective exercises and stretches in your weekly routines to help prevent any issues down the road.w

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