Exercise Tutorial: Knee Crossover Stretch

Table of Contents

    What Is a Knee Crossover Stretch

    The Knee Crossover Stretch is a progression of the Lying Knees to Chest Stretch. This progression will target the Quadratus Lumborum to allow for a deeper stretch of the hips and the spine.


    How to Do a Knee Crossover Stretch

    The Knee Crossover Stretch is performed on the ground. To learn how to complete the Knee Crossover Stretch, follow the directions below.

    1. Begin by lying down on your back with your legs extended. Keeping your left leg extended, pull your right knee in towards your chest.

    2. Now, pull it slightly across your body towards your left shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds.

    3. Repeat on the opposite leg. 

    Knee Crossover Stretch Picture

    Knee Crossover Stretch (1).png

    Benefits of the Knee Crossover Stretch 

    All of the benefits of the knee crossover stretch are the same as the conventional Knee to Chest stretch. The added movement of bringing the knee across the body will increase the intensity of the stretch. This means you are allowing the stretch to go deeper in the body, thus improving flexibility and range of motion even more!


    Knee Crossover Stretch Form

    When performing the Knee to Chest Stretch, make sure that both shoulder blades are in contact with the floor. This will ensure that the stretch is targeting the. Correct muscles in the hips and lower back. Remember to only stretch to the point of slight discomfort. Not everyone will have the range of motion to perform this knee crossover stretch right away. If this is the case, begin performing the conventional Knee to Chest stretch first. Then once you have noticed an increase in your flexibility, progress to the Knee Crossover Stretch.


    Knee Crossover Stretch Muscles Worked

    The Knee Crossover Stretch will engage the same muscles as the conventional Knees to Chest stretch. This includes the Piriformis, Hamstrings, and even the second engagement of the Quadriceps. The Knee Crossover Stretch features increased engagement of the Quadratus Lumborum, which can easily become tight from sitting for long periods of time.


    Why Is the Knee Crossover Stretch Useful

    The Knee Crossover Stretch stretch is incredibly useful for those who are sedentary for most of the day. For instance, those who have a desk job and are sitting at a computer for 8 hours a day. You may be familiar with experiencing an achy and tight lower back. This is from overuse, strain and stress of the Quadratus Lumborum. The Knee Crossover Stretch will target this muscle and help to relieve tension. We suggest performing this stretch every night if you have a sedentary job.


    Knee Crossover Stretch Video

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    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


    What Are and How to Do Isometric Exercises


    Exercise Tutorial: Lying Knees to Chest Stretch