Muscle Breakdown: Flexor Digitorum Longus
The Flexor Digitorum Longus is a long and slender muscle located in the lower leg. It helps us to grip the floor and perform many of our everyday activities
Muscle Breakdown: Pronator Quadratus
The Pronator Quadratus is a deep muscle in the forearm that helps us to turn our palms downwards.
Muscle Breakdown: Supinator
Have you heard of the Supinator muscle? It’s the muscle in our forearm that helps us to grab that heaping handful of popcorn from the bowl!
What Are the Core Muscles and Its Function
The core muscles are a group of muscles. These muscles are the Transverse Abdominis, Internal Oblique. External Oblique and Rectus Abdominis.
Bones of the Forearm: The Radius and the Ulna
The Radius and the Ulna are two important bones located in the forearm. Learn about the function, fracture, and marking of both bones.
Health Benefits of Increased Muscle Mass
Learn more about why increasing muscle mass is positive for your health and wellness, along with the best ways to support your body as you aim to make it stronger.
How to Use a Lacrosse Ball for Massage
Lacrosse balls are amazing for helping to reduce tightness and tension in the muscles. Learn how to use a lacrosse ball for massage for effective muscle recovery.
Average Bench Press
The Bench Press is a popular exercise that can be a socially accepted way to determine how strong an individual is. Learn more about what the average Bench Press is for your gender, and the factors that contribute to your performance.
Average 5k Running Time
Figuring out what your average 5k running time can be tough depending on your experience level. While there is lots of data available with elite running times, it can be hard for beginners to understand what is the average 5k time.
Beginner Gym Workout for Females
Deciding what to do in the gym, and where to start can be very confusing for beginners! We’ve created a guide for females to help you understand how to structure your workout routines, with suggestions based on your exercise goals. Click to learn more about the basics of beginner gym workouts for females.
How to Set Fitness Goals
When setting fitness goals, it’s important to include 5 key characteristics in order to be successful. These characteristics are comprised in the acronym SMART. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-specific.
Increase Range of Motion with These 8 Hip Mobility Exercises
Have you ever heard about Hip mobility? Or are you curious about what increased Hip mobility can do for you? Learn more about why Hip mobility is important and ways in which you can maintain and increase your Hip mobility right at home!
Tips to Improving Flexibility Through Various Exercises
We often hear health professionals talk about ‘being flexible’, yet many of us fail to understand the importance of flexibility, or simply how to achieve it. In this article, we'll be talking about the benefits and how to improve flexibility.
How to Rehabilitate a Knee Injury
There are multiple mechanisms of injury for the knee, and sometimes a simple slip and fall can cause a lot of pain! Learn more about the most common knee injuries that can happen to you, and what knee injury rehabilitation can look like.
5 Best Pre & Post Run Stretches
Proper stretching can help boost your athletic performance and reduce your risk of injury! Learn more about how stretching before and after running impacts the body, and pre and post run stretches you can implement in your routine!
Full Body Resistance Band Workout
Did you know that you can achieve a full body workout using a resistance band? Learn more about how you can do just that, including videos that demonstrate each exercise.
Resistance Band Leg Workout
Resistance band leg workouts are a great at home solution and addition to your exercise routine! Learn about different resistance band exercises that target the lower body, and how to perform them correctly.
The Difference Between an Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Posterior Pelvic Tilt
Anterior and Posterior Pelvic Tilt both involve the tilting of the pelvis due to tight muscles, ligaments, bad posture and other habits. Luckily, with the proper training you can correct pelvic tilt. Learn more about the difference between Anterior and Posterior Pelvic Tilt, and exercises you can perform to help prevent it.
Resistance Band Chest Exercises
Resistance band chest exercises are an effective way to increase muscular strength and size in the chest. Learn more about the various resistance band chest exercises that you can perform, and how they will benefit you!
10 Simple Squat Cues to Improve Your Squat Form
Learn the top 10 best squat cues from our trainers. Learn how to improve squat depth, and fix common mistakes with these 10 simple squat cues.