How to Use a Lacrosse Ball for Massage

Table of Contents

    What Is a Lacrosse Ball Massage

    The primary function of a Lacrosse ball, (besides for use in sport) is massage. A Lacrosse ball massage is when you use a Lacrosse ball to apply pressure to various areas of the body. You can perform a Lacrosse ball massage on yourself by placing the ball in between a hard surface and the body.

    For instance, to perform a Lacrosse ball massage on your foot, place the Lacrosse ball on the floor, and then place the sole of your foot on top of the ball. Proceed to roll the lacrosse ball forwards and backward on the floor using your foot. Adjust the amount of pressure you are applying on the ball to increase or decrease the intensity.

    What Is a Lacrosse Ball

    You can often find Lacrosse balls at your local fitness shop and for sale at Physiotherapy Clinics. At a first glance, you may believe that Lacrosse balls only serve one purpose- to be used during a Lacrosse game. However, Lacrosse balls are a great piece of equipment that can be used to help release muscle tightness and tension within the body!

    These Tennis ball-sized dense objects are used in combination with a hard surface to apply pressure to various areas of the body. Lacrosse balls are inexpensive, portable and a great item to keep in your gym bag. Keep reading to learn all about how the Lacrosse Ball can help your body recover better!

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    Lacrosse Ball Massage Benefits 

    There are multiple benefits to Lacrosse ball massage! These benefits include that it is a cost-effective form of therapy, it is easy to store the equipment, it is easy to learn how to use the ball, and you can perform Lacrosse ball massage on yourself. Besides these practical benefits, there are also many health and wellness benefits to performing Lacrosse ball massage. These benefits include,

    • Reduced muscle soreness and tightness

    • Increased joint range of motion

    • Improved performance

    • Can help to reduce pain and promote recovery

    • Decreased risk of injury

    • Increased blood flow to the area

    How to Use a Lacrosse Ball for Massage

    It is very simple to learn how to use a Lacrosse ball for massage. The only equipment you will need is a Lacrosse ball and a flat surface. The area of the body you choose to massage will impact the type of surface you will need. For example, if you are massaging your foot, you will place the Lacrosse ball on the floor. If you are massaging the Hamstring, you can choose to sit on a box or chair. If you are massaging the chest or shoulders, you will need to pin the Lacrosse ball against a wall.

    Once you have decided which area of the body you would like to massage, and the placement of the ball against a surface, you will generally roll the ball back and forth along the surface by applying pressure with your body. The more pressure you apply, the more intense the massage will be. If you are just learning how to perform Lacrosse ball massage, we suggest starting with a lighter pressure to see how your body responds.

    Targeting Specific Areas of the Body with the Lacrosse Ball

    To perform Lacrosse ball massage, you will need to choose which area of the body you would like to target. The areas of the body that you can perform Lacrosse ball massage include,

    You will only target one area of the body at a time during Lacrosse ball massage. Once you have completed massaging one area, you can move onto another if you would like! 

    Lacrosse Ball Massage Exercises

    There are many Lacrosse ball massage exercises that you can try! Check out a few examples of Lacrosse ball massage exercises below & don’t forget to watch the video above: 

    Lacrosse Ball Lower Back

    To perform Lacrosse ball massage on the lower back, lay down on your back on the floor with your knees bent. Place the Lacrosse ball underneath your low back and off to one side of the spine. Drive through the elbows to slightly elevate the hips. This will help you move the Lacrosse ball side to side and in a circle. Try dropping the knee/leg on the same side of the body as the ball (like a clamshell) to reach deeper into the muscles. Continue to roll for 30-60 seconds and repeat on the other side.  

    Plantar Fasciitis Lacrosse Ball 

    Many individuals suffer from Plantar Fasciitis (pain in the bottom of the foot). The use of a Lacrosse ball can help to relieve this pain. To begin, sit on a chair and place the Lacrosse ball under the affected foot. Slowly roll the ball back and forth along the arch of your foot. You can apply more pressure by leaning the body towards the leg you are working on and pressing down further on the ball. Continue to roll the ball back and forth for 30-60 seconds.

    Piriformis Lacrosse Ball

    To target the Piriformis using a Lacrosse ball, have a seat on the floor in a figure four position. Place the Lacrosse ball underneath the Glute that is being stretched. Slowly roll the ball in a circle on the tender area for 30-60 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

    Lacrosse Ball Massage Shoulder

    There are different ways to target the shoulder with a Lacrosse ball. This variation will also target a bit of the chest. Stretch your arm behind the body with your palm flat on a wall. Place the Lacrosse ball on the wall where your armpit reaches the chest. Slowly roll the ball up and down the wall, or in a circle around the tender area for 30-60 seconds.

    Lacrosse Ball Myofascial Release

    Lacrosse ball massage is also referred to as myofascial release. Myofascial release occurs when we apply pressure to the muscle that aims to release muscle tension. Specifically, we are releasing the tension in the muscle fascia, with the goal of reducing pain and muscle stiffness. Through the use of the Lacrosse ball, you are performing self-myofascial release.   

    Can the Lacrosse Ball Replace the Foam Roller

    The foam roller is another fantastic tool to use to perform self-myofascial release. It is generally shaped like a long cylinder and made of dense foam. If you do not have access to a foam roller or prefer a piece of equipment that is more portable, the Lacrosse ball is an excellent substitute! In fact, if you do not have a Lacrosse ball, you can use a Tennis ball to perform self-myofascial release.

    Lacrosse Ball for Massage

    You can purchase a Lacrosse ball at many sports retailers. They can range between $3-10 and come in a variety of colours. Some Lacrosse balls for massage can feature grooves or texture. This is to achieve a deeper massage. We recommend starting with a smooth Lacrosse ball and then progressing to a textured ball if needed.

    Lacrosse Ball Stretching

    Lacrosse ball stretching is another term for performing the Lacrosse ball massage exercises that we mentioned above. Don’t forget to perform these exercises and stretches on both sides of the body!  

    Lacrosse Ball Stretches 

    When performing Lacrosse ball exercises and stretches, remember that it should never be very painful. Of course, you will experience some discomfort when applying pressure to a tight muscle, but remember that it is up to you to control that amount of pressure that you are using. If you are just starting with a Lacrosse ball massage, begin with light pressure and see how your body responds the next day before progressing.

    Lacrosse Ball Mobility

    Sometimes, our muscles can become so tight that we can drastically reduce our mobility! This is never a good thing as reduced mobility will not only impact our ability to exercise, but also increase our risk of injury and make our activities of daily living harder. Items like Lacrosse balls and foam rollers can help to increase our mobility by reducing tension and tightness in our muscles.

    Once you have used your Lacrosse ball, try performing stretches and exercises that will increase mobility in that region of the body. For instance, tight hips can result in reduced mobility which impacts our ability to squat. We can use Lacrosse ball massage to help relieve the tightness in our hips, and then perform hip mobility exercises to increase mobility in our hips. Mobility is not gained or lost overnight, so it is important to consistently stretch and perform various exercises if your goal is to increase mobility. 

    Lacrosse Ball Peanut

    A Lacrosse ball peanut is two Lacrosse balls that are attached to form a peanut shape. This provides double the surface area during your massage and is great for areas such as your back. Sometimes, a Lacrosse ball peanut is also called a Rad Roller, and are available in different stiffness levels.

    Lacrosse Ball Diameter

    Generally, a Lacrosse ball’s diameter is about 20cm or 7-8 inches. Lacrosse balls can come in different sizes depending on the type of Lacrosse being played. For Lacrosse ball massage, the diameter is not significant.

    How Much does a Lacrosse Ball Weigh

    A Lacrosse ball weighs about 5.25 grams. In the sport of Lacrosse, the weight of the ball is important as the ball cannot be below 5.0 grams. For Lacrosse ball massage, the weight of the ball is not significant.

    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.

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