Exercise Tutorial: Band Pull Aparts

Table of Contents

    What Are Band Pull Aparts

    Do you find yourself slouching your shoulders during the day? The Band Pull Apart is a great exercise that you can do to increase strength in the upper back and shoulders. As well, Band Pull Aparts are a simple and low impact way of increasing stability in the shoulder.

    Generally, everyone can do Band Pull Aparts, and they are also a great movement to perform prior to shoulder and upper back workouts.

    How to Do a Band Pull Aparts

    The Band Pull Apart is very simple to learn. If you’ve never performed the Band Pull Apart before, don’t worry you will catch on very quickly! To learn how to do a Band Pull Apart, follow these easy steps.

    1. Step 1: Hold the ends of a resistance band in each hand. Your hands will not be at the very end of the band, but at least the length of a ruler in from the end of the band. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. 

    2. Step 2: Begin with your arms extended in front of the body, roughly in line with the shoulders. Slowly begin to move your hands laterally away from one another. The band will begin to stretch, and you will feel resistance as you bring the hands away from the body.

    3. Stop when the band has been stretched across the entire wingspan and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the movement for the required amount of reps and sets.

    You have now learned how to do a Band Pull Apart!

    Band Pull Apart.png

    Band Pull Aparts Form

    Having the correct Band Pull Apart form will take your muscles through the correct movement path and reduce the risk of injury. Proper Band Pull Apart form can also reduce the stress placed on the shoulder joint during the exercise. Follow these tips to achieve optimal Band Pull Apart form,

    • Keep the feet planted, and hip-width apart

    • You may have a slight bend in the knee if you feel it helps with stability

    • Keep the spine in a neutral position 

    • Brace the core throughout the movement 

    • Keep the arms straight throughout the movement

    • Squeeze the shoulder blades together as the arms move apart

    Following these Band Pull Apart tips will allow you to reap all of the benefits of this exercise!

    Band Pull Aparts Benefits

    Band Pull Aparts have many benefits, which is why it is such a popular exercise! Some benefits of the Band Pull Apart include,

    • Increased stability of the shoulder

    • Great for activating the upper back

    • Good for warming up the muscles of the shoulder and upper back

    • Can improve posture

    • Easy to learn and perform

    • Don’t need special equipment

    • Small risk of injury compared to other shoulder exercises

    Remember, to see these benefits you will need to consistently perform Band Pull Aparts! Trying this exercise once will not give you stronger shoulders right away!

    Band Pull Aparts Muscles Worked

    During a Band Pull Apart, multiple muscles will be engaged in the shoulder and upper back. The Band Pull Apart Muscles worked include,

    Why Is The Band Pull Apart Useful

    The Band Pull Apart is a useful exercise because is it such a simple movement that has so many benefits. Many people suffer from slouched postures as they sit at a desk all day. This can result in rounded shoulders. Band Pull Aparts aim to correct this deviation in posture over time by strengthening the muscles in the shoulder and upper back.

    In general, athletes of all abilities will be able to perform the Band Pull Apart. It is recommended to begin with a low resistance and increase the weight of the band as you progress.

    Band Pull Aparts Alternative

    If you do not have access to a TheraBand, some Band Pull Apart alternatives include,

    As well, the shoulder press or face pull can be a Band Pull Apart alternative which requires the use of equipment.

    Band Pull Aparts Variations

    You can combine exercises to create your own Band Pull Apart variations. For instance, begin by performing a front raise, and then go into the Band Pull Apart. Continue to alternate between the front raise and the band pull apart. 

    You can also perform the Band Pull Apart in a bent over position to engage the low back and hamstrings. Alternatively, you can perform a Band Pull Apart with the elbows bent at 90-degrees and tight to the body. The movement in the exercise will come from the external rotation of the wrist and forearms. 

    Resistance Band Pull Apart

    The Resistance Band Pull Apart is another term for the Band Pull Apart exercise. Remember to increase the intensity of your Band Pull Apart, increase the resistance of the band!

    Band Pull Aparts For Shoulder Health

    As previously mentioned, Band Pull aparts are a great exercise to improve shoulder health. This occurs by increasing strength in the muscles that create the Rotator Cuff. The increased strength of the Rotator Cuff will contribute to the stability of the shoulder joint, making it less susceptible to injury.

    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


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