How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

Table of Contents

    How to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat?

    If you're trying to lose stubborn belly fat or sculpt a six-pack quickly, you've probably come across videos like "6-minute ab workout" and "Do this to shrink your waist." There are countless tutorials, articles, and videos on the internet detailing specific methods to reduce belly fat. Undoubtedly, the waist is one of the most fat-storing areas on our bodies. Hence, people may seek a magical "quick fix" for belly fat reduction. However, targeting fat in a specific body part, otherwise known as spot reduction, is impossible. Additionally, training your abs won't make them visible unless your body fat is low enough. Nevertheless, engaging in appropriate exercises can help you reduce body fat and achieve a slimmer waistline.

    Belly Fat: What Is It?

    Obesity's dangers to our health have been well-researched, including its link to insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all-cause mortality. Specifically, body fat consists of two types: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the fat right under your skin that you can pinch and feel its squishy nature. Visceral fat, on the other hand, surrounds your internal organs in the abdominal region. A beer belly is an example of visceral fat, although people with flat stomachs can also have excess visceral fat. It is considered more dangerous than subcutaneous fat and may lead to serious health problems.

    Fat Burning Workout

    For optimal fat burn, aerobic exercise is king. The various health benefits, along with fat loss, include decreased risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease, enhanced quality of life, and improved fitness. The optimal volume and intensity of aerobic exercise for fat loss have been debated and remain inconclusive. More important factors include personal preferences, individual outcomes, and adherence. Here's a 20-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout for you to incorporate into your busy day to burn fat!

    Warm-up (5 Minutes)

    HIIT Workout (12 Minutes)

    Repeat for 3 rounds.

    Other Considerations in Regards to Losing Stubborn Belly Fat

    Although working out is crucial for fat loss and health, other factors contribute to losing fat. The most important factor is diet, which is arguably more critical than exercise solely for weight loss purposes. According to the laws of thermodynamics, weight loss is possible when calorie consumption is less than calorie expenditure. In other words, you must eat healthily and know when to put the fork down to see significant fat loss. Therefore, the best way to lose fat is to exercise and eat properly.

    Jerry Li (CPT & BKin)

    Jerry Li is a certified personal trainer with the International Sports Science Association (ISSA). He has a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology and is pursuing a Master of Professional Kinesiology (MPK) at the University of Toronto. Jerry has a specialist certification in bodybuilding and a passion for powerlifting. He is also certified as a Nutritionist by the ISSA.


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