20 Basketball Facts You Might Not Know
Dive into a collection of surprising basketball tidbits that unveil the lesser-known history and intriguing nuances of the game. 20 Basketball Facts You Didn't Know.

100 Best Funny Dad Jokes
Dad jokes are a particular genre of humor that has gained popularity and recognition over the years. They are characterized by their simplicity, puns, and often predictable punchlines.

Negative Health Effects of Video Games
Video games are a massive part of today's society, where they serve as an escape from reality and a stress reliever. However, there are some negative health effects of video games. In this article. we’ll be talking about the negative health effects of video games.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome occurs when a nerve, artery or vein gets compressed in the thoracic space. Learn more about its symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and exercises.

The Ultimate Daily Mobility Routine to Do at Home During COVID 19
The Erector Spinae is a group of muscles that help to laterally bend and straighten the spine. Learn more about the anatomy of the muscle group, how to avoid injury and specific exercises and stretches to maintain muscle health.

Scapular Dyskinesis | SICK Scapula
Scapular Dyskinesis is the abnormal functioning of the scapula relative to its normal position. Learn more about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for Scapular Dyskinesis. Also, we’ll be talking about what is SICK Scapula.

RPE | Rating of Perceived Exertion
Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) is a convenient self-report measure to understand how hard you are working during physical activity. Learn more about the RPE scale including how to interpret RPE, RPE Chart, other versions of the scale, the talk test, and why it is important to be honest when self-reporting.

Scapulohumeral Rhythm
Scapulohumeral Rhythm is the movement between the scapula and the shoulder. Learn more about the factors that affect Scapulohumeral Rhythm, the Scapulohumeral Rhythm Ratio, and the muscles involved in this relationship.

Injury Breakdown: Winged Scapula | Scapular Winging
Winged Scapula is also known as Scapular Winging, is a condition where the medial side of the scapula sticks out much further than it should. Learn more about the causes of Winged Scapula, treatments, diagnosis, and exercises you can do at home for rehabilitation.

Hemiplegic Gait (Regaining Proper Walk after Having a Stroke)
Hemiplegic gait is a common symptom of stroke. Learn more about what is hemiplegic gait, the chances of walking again and exercises to help improve your gait.

Lifestyle Management (Activities of Daily Living)
Lifestyle management can become difficult as we age. Learn more about Activities of Daily Living and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, their differences, and how you can assess ADL’s and IADL’s.

Aerobic Stroke Exercises to Regain Daily Function
Aerobic exercise following a stroke is an excellent way to reduce the risk of reoccurring stroke and to regain function. Learn about post-stroke aerobic exercise guidelines, intensity, safety, equipment and exercises.

The Origins of Thai Massage
Read about the origins of thai massage. As well as, why thai massage results in an increase in flexibility, balanced body energy systems, and even relief in muscle and joint tension.

Happy New Year! Now What?
Happy New Year! Now it’s time to be the best version of yourself! Now is the time to work towards being the best version of yourself. I wanted to talk about 3 things that have been on my mind for the past year, which can be applied to fitness and otherwise!

Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting in simple terms means shuffling between periods of eating and fasting. It focuses on when you should eat instead of what you should eat. So, you can have proper meals, but such meals should be within specified time limits. Read about the benefits of intermittent fasting.

The Importance of Keeping a Schedule
Are struggling with your doing your workouts during the week? Has your nutrition been effective because you leave eating for last minute? Read the importance of keeping a schedule to help you keep track of your goals

Why I Put Down the Pizza and Decided Enough was Enough
Read about Tyler’ story on why he put down the pizza and decided enough was enough.

Understanding what fuels our body allows us to train smarter and more efficiently. Mammalian creatures rely on 3 different energy systems to create energy for working muscles. Those three systems are the Phosphagen System, Glycolysis. Read more about bioenergetics.

You Are Your Greatest Motivational Tool
As a personal trainer, I’m always being asked questions about workouts, nutrition, supplements and physique, but there is one question that gets asked more than any other. How do you motivate yourself? Learn how I do it in the article.

10 Ways to Fix Weight Loss Mistakes
The truth is these are just a few of the mistakes we make while on our weight loss journey that can really throw us off our track. Read about the 10 ways to fix weight loss mistakes,