Bubble Butt and Thick Thighs (Ultimate Guide)

Table of Contents

    What Is a Bubble Butt

    Have you ever heard rappers talking about “bubble butt”, but you don’t know exactly what they mean by that? A bubble butt is a booty that is rounder than your average! It is the polar opposite of a flat butt…. It’s more like the shape of a globe. Generally, a bubble butt is associated with a slim body and thick thighs! Everyone has a different genetic make up. With that being said , building a bigger booty may naturally be harder for some than others . Regardless , to create that round , bubble butt shape , you NEED to work hard ! Regardless of your genetics , you are in complete control of what you consume (proper diet) and how hard you work in the gym !!! Don’t use your genetics as an excuse for slacking on your booty gains!

    How To Get A Bubble Butt

    To achieve a bubble butt, you need to work really, really hard and be committed to your goal! It can be helpful to plan out your exercise routine for the week, along with the meals that you will be consuming. Proper nutrition is essential to helping you achieve a bubble butt and support your muscles as they grow and develop.

    While performing squats are a great way to develop the glutes, you cannot forget to train your hamstrings and quadriceps! This will help to keep your legs proportional to the booty as you grow and develop your muscles and help you to achieve thick thighs and a thick butt.  

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    Ultimate Bubble Butt Guide
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    Ultimate Bubble Butt Guide

    The ultimate guide to building a rounder butt! The right combination of lower body exercises, carefully pieced together. Join us on a 12-week program!

    Includes workout programs, video tutorials, and exercise tutorial breakdowns.

    Exercises to Achieve a Bubble Butt & Thick Thighs



    Stand feet shoulder width apart.  Keep your arms up, straight in front, parallel to the floor.  Slowly descend with a 2-count, like sitting back into a chair.  Descend until your thighs are parallel to the floor, or slightly lower if comfortable and able to maintain good form.  Keep your knees over your toes, trying to not let your thighs collapse in.  Then stand up to starting position.



    Start standing, feet together.  Step one leg back, just a normal step, then drop the knee towards the floor, about ankle height.  Keep your hands on your hips and chest up, then return to standing position.  Repeat for the other leg, working alternate lunges.


    Single Leg Deadlift.jpg

    Stand tall feet together, arms straight out in front, parallel to the floor.  Hinge forward from the hips on one leg, keeping your torso and the single moving together until they are both parallel to the floor, arms almost touching the floor, about ankle height.  The down leg might have a slight bend in the knee which is ok, then return to upright position.  Repeat on other leg as well.

    Glute Bridge

    Glute Bridge Exercise.jpg

    Lie down flat on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, about hip width.  Keep your hands at your side on the floor, and then lift your hips off the mat, using your glutes to lift your body.  Pause up top for a second then descend back down, repeating for a desired amount of reps or for time.  This exercise can be done with just holding the bridge for time as well, like a plank.

    Donkey Kick

    Donkey Kick Exercise.jpg

    Start prone position, on hands and knees, body square.  Extend one leg, until parallel with the floor, then bend the knee, foot facing the ceiling almost making an "L" shape with your leg.  Now proceed to kick your foot to the ceiling, straight up, using your glutes to extend your leg.  Do not let your leg come back to far down, only to about parallel, working for the desired kick reps on that leg.  Proceed to repeat the same action on the other leg as well.

    Adding a booty band to your thighs will allow this exercise to become more difficult.

    You'll find more exercises and weekly workout routines in our Ultimate Bubble Butt Guide book.

    Glute Activation to Butt Growth

    Glute activation to grow a bubble butt is crucial. Mind to muscle connection means you literally have to focus on which muscles you are supposed to be activating in order to engage them properly. You may have tried certain exercises like a squat for example, but didn’t actually feel your glutes engage and you aren’t sure what this means. Exercises with resistance bands, where you are focusing specifically on glute muscle activation can help with this problem. If you incorporate these movements into your program, then when you are doing other weighted exercises like lunges, you will be able to work towards that bubble butt effectively! It’s all about the SQUEEZE!

    Why Am I Not Seeing Results

    Four factors need to be equally weighted in order for you to see results.

    1. It could be that your exercise program in just not ideal for building the booty. The exercises may not specifically target all parts of the glutes, or your rep range or weights may need be changed if you’ve reached a plateau. Certain lower body movements may be developing your legs, but not doing enough for the bubble butt! For example, if you are ONLY doing squats and hoping for booty gains, you will most likely be developing your quads more than you booty, especially if you haven’t mastered the art of engaging the glutes properly. 

    2. Diet is key for any muscle growth. If you aren’t getting enough calories, and the right types of calories, unfortunately, you may end up with a pancake booty! There are more details on nutrition for growth below.

    3. You may be going through the motions and following exercises but not putting your best foot forward. Building strong legs and big booty is NOT easy work. Every work out should be challenging and your booty should be on FIRE! If it isn’t, you won’t get the gains that you are looking for. It takes time and commitment and there is no short cut to an all natural, round butt!

    4. A bubble butt needs thick thighs and a tight frame to match! There could be a muscle group that is weaker for you – say core or hamstrings, that is prohibiting you from activating and building the booty properly. We shouldn’t neglect our weaknesses or any other muscle group, even if our focus is on the butt!

    Gluteal Muscle

    Taking a look at the break down of the gluteal muscles will help us get a better understanding of them. When breaking down the glutes we come to see that there are three muscles. Gluteus Maximus being the most largest and closest to the skin, Gluteus Medius being the next largest, and Gluteus Minimus being the most tiny and deep muscle.

    Gluteus Maximus Function

    Being the largest gluteal muscle, the Gluteus Maximus functions as the most powerful hip extensor, and supporting muscle (eccentrically) in hip flexion, and also plays a role in lateral rotation of the hip (bringing your feet away from your body). Movements that can be associated with Gluteus Maximus include; sprinting, jumping, squatting, deadlifting, hip-thrusts.

    Gluteus Medius Function

    Just like the Gluteus Maximus, Medius plays a role in lateral rotation of the hip, but is more better known for its activation in abduction movements (taking your thigh away from your body), as well as its stabilizing properties in single leg movements. Movements that can be associated with the Gluteus Medius include: Clamshells, Monster Walks, Single leg hip thrusts, Split Squats, Pelvic drops and also plays a role in many other movements.

    Gluteus Minimus Function

    The three functions of Gluteus Minimus include hip extension, hip abduction as well as internal rotation of the hip. The greatest synergist and Minimus’s greatest buddy is the Medius, due to its activity in similar movements.

    A bubble butt is the perfect combination and development of all 3 of these muscle heads! This is the only way to get the booty to have that “pop” effect from all angles!

    Nutrition for Growth

    Your booty wont grow if you aren’t getting enough fuel for your body! Muscle growth requires proper timing of meals, portion control, hydration and quality, well balanced meals. Protein is vital in building muscle. You should be getting at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight. Try tracking a days worth of eating in My Fitness Pal to see how much protein you are getting! A low carb diet for an extended period of time is also not ideal if you’re looking for a bubble butt. HOWEVER, the type of carbs you are consuming do matter because you don’t want to loose a flat tummy while growing a bigger booty!

    Carbs that fall lower on the glycemic index are ideal- sweet potato, oatmeal, brown rice, and brown rice pasta are all great examples. A full day would consist of 3 full meals and snack meals in between. Fats are also important. The average person can consume 40-50g of fats per day. If you are training your booty more and more intensely, you will be able to increase this intake, BUT make sure they are healthy fats! Look to nuts, and avocado for example, for sources of healthier fats. Timing your meals to fuel your workouts can help tremendously!

    Try to have your higher carb and fat foods earlier in the day and before your workouts to give you the kick you need to build that booty! Cheat meals are allowed. Every week you should dedicate a meal to satisfy your cravings. This doesn’t mean to have a cheat DAY where you binge all day and eat an unhealthy amount of calories. Lets say you are going to dinner on a Saturday night and know that you want pizza- that is FINE.. BUT, make sure to eat clean during the day, and the next day get back on track with your goals.

    We all get cravings. If we don’t satisfy them it could lead to a disastrous binge that’ll set us back or even totally deter us from our goal. Make sure to satisfy yourself with a cheat meal, then get back to the program! You will see as you continue to do this,  your cravings will decrease because you will see the results and it just won’t be worth having constant cheat meals- your body WILL FEEL TOO GOOD when you are eating healthy and have a regular exercise routine in place.

    Time Exception

    Like anything that is sustainable, building a bubble butt takes TIME and patience. It won’t happen over night. You have to give yourself at least 3 months to start seeing changes, then the booty will only get “rounder” from there on out! The glute is a BIG muscle overall and it needs time to develop.

    Don’t get down on yourself if you’re not seeing changes as quickly as you hoped for. Good things take time. If your booty were to grow super quickly, for example if you are bulking with an unhealthy diet, you may be growing a belly at the same time! Maintaining a tight body overall, and a flatt tummy, while building the round butt will take time.

    Focusing on your plan with maximal effort and following your routine will always lead to results. There is no way that consistent, properly planned workouts and meals won’t lead to results! Have faith in your booty gains and KEEP WORKING! You won’t get a bigger booty by sitting on it! 

    There Are Other Muscles That Need to Build Up 

    The last thing you want to do is have a butt that doesn’t the legs that come with it. It just doesn’t look right and you’ve probably seen this at some point. If you have a bubble butt, you need some thick thighs and some defined hamstrings to make it pop even more! Exercises like the Romanian deadlift will work the hamstrings and help lift the butt up too!

    Remember- everything in the body is connected, and working on building from the ground up will only help your booty gains! As mentioned earlier, certain exercises like squats, may dominate one muscle group more than another, that is why we have created a program to make sure you aren’t neglecting any key exercises and ending up with quads way bigger than your hamstrings!

    Cardio Junkie Wont Get You Gains

    Too much cardio can lead to losing fat AND even losing muscle. A little bit of fat on a bubble butt is OK!! It doesn’t have to be absolutely rock solid to look like a bubble butt! Cardio is still important, especially for your heart health, but it doesn’t need to be done in excess.

    If you are doing cardio, you can always aim towards a routine that targets the booty- for example stair climber, or the treadmill on an incline! Make your cardio workouts short and effective (HIIT), to break a sweat and get that booty burning even more!

    You don’t need to run for an hour or two to have beneficial cardiovascular results. If you are trying to build muscle this will actually be counter productive for you, and might make your butt flatter! Warm ups on the treadmill can be replaced with dynamic stretching for the lower body before intense training.

    Progress Photos and Measurements Go a Long Way 

    Sometimes, you may look in the mirror and feel like you aren’t getting the results you want. It can be hard to recognize changes in your body when you are checking for them like this everyday. You also have to see yourself at all angles. Take progress photos and measurements every 2 weeks (from all views- front, back and side) and crop them in next to each other.

    If you are following your full regimen, you will see changes, even if they are subtle. Seeing change is extremely motivating and will give you even more reason to keep going. It is important to reward yourself along the way, with anything you do in life.

    Set mile stones, and each time you achieve one, do something to celebrate- it could be a cheat meal, a manicure, or anything to make you feel good and KEEP doing what you’re doing! Sometimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit. A small achievement is still an achievement. 

    Core Strength and Back Pain

    All booty exercises will require you to engage your core and be mindful of your posture so that you don’t place a strain on your back. The stronger your core, the less likely you are to experience a lower back injury, or even back pain. In squats and deadlifts for example, if you don’t focus on the engagement of the mid section on every single rep, it can cause a strain, or you wont be able to isolate the lower body muscles because you will be too concentrated on the discomfort in your back instead.

    Everything starts from the core. The stronger your core, the stronger you will be OVERALL! This comes back to making sure you don’t neglect any muscle groups even if your main goal is a bubble butt! Everything is connected!

    Effective Warm-Up and Mobility Techniques for Bubble Butt (Glutes) and Thigh Workouts

    Often, people end up doing cardiovascular exercises to warm up. However, with all the data and peer-reviewed studies available, there are better ways to warm up, especially when it comes to working out the glutes and thick thighs. Prior to that, things we could do include dynamic stretching. The difference between dynamic and static stretching is that dynamic stretching prepares you for the movements. There are many dynamic exercises you can do beforehand. Another recommended activity is foam rolling, which helps increase blood flow and improves the tissue quality of joints, aiding in muscle mobility.

    Stretches for After Bubble Butt and Thick Thighs (Glutes and Thighs) Workout

    Let's start by explaining that performing these stretches consistently will help improve your range of motion and flexibility. It's another great way for the glute and thigh muscles to recover quickly after workouts and minimize stress.

    Here is a list of bubble butt stretches:

    Here is a list of thick thigh stretches:

    You'll find more stretches in our Ultimate Bubble Butt Guide book.

    Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) Regarding Bubble Butt and Thick Thighs

    How to Get Thick?

    Being thick is commonly described as having large butts and thighs. We have to choose exercises that grow our gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and quadriceps. When you’re performing your exercises make sure the weight you’re selecting is moderate to heavy. Although “pump work” can be useful, it isn’t as effective as stimulating muscle growth when compared to lifting heavier weights. You also want to challenge yourself during each training session. This will stop the stagnation of your glutes and thigh growth ensuring you’ll become thicker.

    How to Get Thicker Thighs and Hips?

    You can get thicker thighs and hips by training the gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Use the deadlift to grow the gluteus maximus and hamstrings. At the same time, squats are effective at increasing the gluteus maximus and quadriceps femoris. If you're struggling to grow your gluteus maximus, you can use the barbell hip thrust to target them directly.

    Just make sure you're challenging yourself with enough weight, reps, and sets to stimulate muscle growth. Therefore, you will achieve thicker thighs and hips.

    What Exercises Can I Do for Bigger Thighs?

    If you want big thighs, you have to develop the quadriceps and the hamstrings. The best exercises for your quadriceps are dominant knee exercises like squats, lunges, and split squats. For the hamstrings, you want to incorporate hip dominant exercises deadlifts and deadlift variations like stiff legs and Romanian deadlift.

    Include some sort on hamstring curl to maximize your hamstring growth since one of the heads of the biceps femoris only works on the knee.

    What Does a Thick Thighs Workout Consist Of?

    Start the workout with a squat variation since it’s the most technically demanding. Then perform either a deadlift or deadlift variation. Make sure the squats and deadlifts are moderate to heavy and are challenging. The combination of squats and deadlifts will provide sufficient thick thigh gains.

    But if you want to maximize your thick thigh growth, you need to include some extra exercises. Perform either a lunge or split squats to prevent muscular imbalances. To top it off, finish off the workout with a hamstring curl. Hamstring curls will ensure all the heads of the hamstrings are getting trained.

    How to Be Thick?

    If you want to be thick, you have to grow your glute and thigh muscles. These muscles are the gluteus maximus, quadriceps, and hamstrings. These muscles provide the thickness for the lower body and have to be well developed. So using resistance exercises like squats and deadlifts are a must if you want to get thick.

    How to Become Thick?

    If you want to become thick, you need to train your butt and thigh. These muscles called the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Once prominent, they provide that thick look in the lower body. Use exercises like Squats and deadlifts to grow these muscles and use a medium to heavyweights as they are the most effective for stimulating muscle growth.

    How to Get Thicker Thighs?

    If you want to get thicker thighs, you have to grow the muscles on them. These muscles are the quadriceps and hamstrings which provide shape to your thighs. The quadriceps are found anterior on the thigh, and the hamstring is on the posterior. Exercises like squats and deadlifts develop these two muscles providing you thicker thighs.

    What Is a Thicc Booty?

    The term thicc booty is about a woman with a big butt. Some women are born with a natural thicc booty. Others need to work on building the glute muscles when it comes to lifting heavy, and eating well enough to develop the muscle and mass surrounding the booty area .

    How to Get Big Thighs?

    To achieve big thighs, you need to perform the appropriate exercises that will engage the muscles of the quadriceps and the hamstrings. Having big thighs will help you to lift heavier loads and will help you to achieve a bubble butt. Be sure to perform exercises that isolate both the hamstrings and the quadriceps such as deadlifts and hamstring curls.

    What Does a Thick Butt Mean?

    A thick butt means that you have a large butt. Some people are born with a large butt, and others have to work a little bit harder to achieve a thick butt. Regardless of your genetic makeup, consistency is key when working towards achieving a thick butt! Be sure to regularly perform exercises that engage the three muscles of the glutes and eat properly to support your booty gains!

    What Is a Pancake Butt?

    A pancake butt refers to someone having a flat butt. This is the exact opposite of a bubble butt and is what many people try to avoid! Pancake butt generally happens to people as they age but can also happen to those who are sedentary. Regularly performing our suggested exercises to achieve a bubble butt, and eating well will help you to avoid succumbing to the pancake butt.

    Why Are My Legs Skinny?

    There are numerous reasons why you can have skinny legs. These reasons can range from your genetics, to you have been completing the same workout routine for too long. When you do not include variety in your workouts, your body can adapt and plateau. You can add variety to your workouts by completing different variations of exercises. Or, if you really enjoy one exercise in particular, you can perform it using a different load, different reps or even a superset.

    Another reason why your legs are so skinny can be that you are performing too much cardio. If you are looking to increase the muscle mass in your legs, your focus should be on strength based exercises for the legs, not on running and cardio. You can still include cardio in your exercise routine, and you should! But you should not be doing more cardio than strength training if your goal is to increase muscle mass in the legs.

    Additionally, diet can have a big impact on the body’s ability to increase muscle mass. If you are not consuming the proper amounts of carbohydrates, protein and fat, you can be negatively impacting the body’s progression towards increased muscle mass. Finally, while doing squats and lunges are great exercises to develop the major muscle groups in the thighs, don’t forget about the muscles in your calf. The Gastrocnemius and Soleus will help to give your legs a full appearance. A great exercise to develop these muscles is the calf raise.

    How to Get Big Hips If Your Skinny?

    Having big hips has a large part to do with our genetics. We cannot change our bone size! However, if you are looking to get big hips if your skinny, there are some tips you can try to give your body the illusion of having big hips. The best tip we can give you to get big hips is to grow the muscles in your butt! Lucky for you, we have told you exactly how to do this. Eat right, and consistently train. It will take time for you to develop muscle mass in your butt and surrounding areas, but once you do, you will have more of an hourglass appearance. Glute activation exercises, such as the Birddog and Clamshell will also help you to develop the muscles of the glute.


    Muscle Breakdown: Plantaris


    Muscle Breakdown: Tibialis Posterior