Benefits of Using a Sauna Before or after Workout

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    Disclaimer: If this is your first time using a sauna, I recommend consulting your general doctor to ensure you're able to use one beforehand. Everything I mention in this article is opinion-based.

    Everyone reacts differently during their first time in a sauna, so it's extremely important to seek medical consultation if you're uncertain about using one.

    Let's Start with What Is a Sauna?

    A sauna is typically a room designed to reach high temperatures, with the main objective of making you sweat and providing comfort and relaxation. Saunas come in different types and may have varied heat sources and mechanisms.

    Should I Use the Sauna Before or after Workout?

    Benefits of Using Sauna Before a Workout

    One of the foremost benefits of using a sauna after a workout includes the relaxation component, which not only promotes a serene mental state and stress relief but also supports muscle recovery by enhancing blood flow to the muscles, playing a crucial role in the recovery phase.

    Precaution: If utilizing a sauna as a beginner, consider starting with brief sessions (1-5 minutes) and observe how your body reacts.

    Benefits of Using Sauna After a Workout

    One of the key benefits of using a sauna after a workout is the relaxation it offers, providing not only a peaceful mental state but also supporting muscle recovery by improving blood flow to the muscles and offering substantial stress relief during the recovery phase.

    Precaution: Ensure you are well-hydrated before entering the sauna post-exercise.

    Does Using the Sauna Before or after Workout to Lose Weight

    While saunas can increase your heart rate due to the heat and cause you to sweat, potentially burning more calories, it's vital to note that sweating primarily results in loss of water weight, not fat loss. Rehydrating after the sauna will replenish the lost water, so it is not a long-term weight loss solution.

    How Long Should You Stay in a Sauna

    The recommended duration inside a sauna largely depends on the individual’s comfort and experience level. For beginners, starting with short sessions of 1-5 minutes and gradually increasing, as comfort allows, is advisable. Always prioritize your safety and well being, exiting the sauna if you feel unwell.

    Gym Saunas vs. Home/Condo Saunas

    Gym saunas might differ from home or condo saunas in terms of power and size, generally being able to accommodate more individuals and potentially reaching higher temperatures. Home saunas might offer more flexibility in terms of modifications and personalization.

    How Hot Is a Sauna?

    Sauna temperatures can significantly vary, but typically they range between 150°F and 195°F (65°C and 90°C). Personal preference will guide your ideal temperature, but safety and comfort should always be the priority, especially for those new to sauna use.

    Key Considerations for Building a DIY Sauna at Home

    Many homeowners are starting to build saunas at home instead of buying them. There are a lot of things to take into consideration regarding do it yourself saunas. Primarily, we need to think about the cost of materials, the tools required, and the available space. Many people build them outdoors, but some choose to build them indoors. You also need to consider access to electricity. Another thing to consider when it comes to an easy DIY sauna is whether it is legal; do you need permits? Would it be a safety hazard?

    Sergio Pedemonte

    Sergio Pedemonte is the founder of Your House Fitness, is a certified personal trainer with over a decade of experience. Sergio holds a diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion from Humber College in Ontario, Canada. He established YHF to provide flexible and comfortable training services in homes and residential areas. He is also renowned as a celebrity trainer, having worked with notable clients such as Dina Shihabi, OT Fagbenle, and Gina Rodriguez.


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