The Impact of Working Out Twice a Day for 60 Days

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    Ever found yourself wondering about the benefits and challenges of working out twice a day? If so, let me share with you my personal experience. This particular journey was triggered by the pandemic in 2020 that led to worldwide business shutdowns, including gyms and fitness studios. As a resident of Toronto, Canada, like many others, I found myself confined to my living space. It was during this time that I decided to take the plunge and start working out twice a day.

    What's the Purpose of Working out Twice a Day?

    Let's first address the elephant in the room: what was the purpose of my decision to exercise two times a day? With a decade-long career as a trainer, my goal was straightforward. It was all about getting back into shape and striving to be the best version of myself. The decision to engage in daily workouts twice necessitated a fixed schedule and a significant amount of planning. This included delineating specific times for workouts, meals, and crucially, sleep.

    So, How Long Should You Workout a Day?

    My workout regimen comprised split workouts where I alternated between push, pull, and leg exercises throughout the week. Every day involved resistance training of some sort. The first three days of the week were devoted to push, pull, and leg exercises respectively, followed by a repeat of the same for the next three days. This consistent approach was a core element of my routine.

    However, Is It Bad to Workout Everyday?

    Not necessarily, if done correctly. I was cautious to avoid overdoing it by incorporating two types of workouts into my daily routine: one for cardio and the other for strength training. The cardio workouts alternated between low-intensity and high-intensity exercises, with the third day reserved for lighter activities such as walking, jogging, or running. This arrangement ensured I was working out everyday without pushing my body beyond its limits.

    Remember, whether you choose to work out twice a day or prefer a different regimen, the key is consistency, purpose, and most importantly, listening to your body. With careful planning and a steadfast commitment, you can safely increase the intensity of your workout regimen, make significant progress in your fitness journey, and emerge healthier and stronger.

    Workout Routine for Exercising Twice a Day

    Morning Session: Cardiovascular Training

    Starting off with the cardio training that I engage in each morning, I generally focus on low cardio, high cardio, and walking, jogging or running. My personal strategy is to alternate these every three days, though you can adjust this to suit your personal needs.

    Steady State Cardio (Day 1)

    For low cardio days, I typically spend 30 minutes to an hour on a bike, transitioning into exercises like jumping jacks and high knees.

    HIIT (Day 2)

    High cardio days are slightly different, involving workouts like sprinting on a treadmill or performing boxing rounds, which look like three 10-minute rounds going at 50 to 90% intensity.

    Low Intensity Steady State (Day 3)

    The third day generally consists of walking, jogging, or running.

    Working out twice a day can be challenging, so this approach helps to keep things varied and interesting.

    Afternoon Session: Resistance Training

    The second part of my daily workout routine takes place in the afternoon, beginning with warm-up/mobility/core activation exercises. I found it helpful to focus on mobility and core workouts before any serious weight training. Exercises like Cat Cow, T Spine Rotation, Bird Dog, Plank, Glute bridge, etc., were especially useful for preparing my muscles for the resistance training that followed.

    Push (Day 1 & Day 4)

    Once warmed up, I move on to the push portion of my routine. I alternate this segment, ensuring that not every three days are the same. On some days, I incorporate more strength training with exercises like barbell bench press, incline and decline bench press. Then on other days, I switch to endurance training, focusing on exercises like push-ups, chest press, floor presses, dips, and front raises. This variation is important when working out everyday to prevent boredom and to keep challenging the body.

    Pull Day (Day 2 & Day 5)

    The pull days, much like push days, are also varied. One day might be focused on strength training, involving exercises like barbell rows, bent over rows, and various bicep and shoulder exercises. The following pull day, I focus more on bodyweight and dumbbell exercises, such as pull ups, chin ups, reverse flys, lateral raises, and traditional shoulder press.

    Leg Day (Day 3 & 6)

    Leg day, which falls on Wednesdays and Saturdays, is where I adjust my approach to accommodate past knee pain. Here, I alternate between strength and endurance training, but with a focus on specific movements. For example, one day might be dedicated to hinge movements like barbell deadlifts, single-leg deadlifts, and hip thrust. The other leg day would then be devoted to exercises like squats, lunges, curtsy lunges, and Bulgarian split squats.

    Eating Habits that Helped Sustain My Two Workouts a Day

    A successful fitness routine depends greatly on nutrition. To sustain working out twice a day, I found it essential to schedule my meals and drinks around my workout times. I start my day with a cup of water followed by a cup of coffee or espresso shot before my morning cardio session. Post-cardio, I have a protein shake, followed by a balanced meal of carbs, protein, and fat after a short break.

    Before I'm prepared to engage in my second workout, I make a point to consume a simple carbohydrate such as a banana. This provides a quick energy boost. Following the workout, I usually opt for my second meal of the day. This meal places an emphasis on higher carbohydrates and protein, with a reduced fat content. I also ensure to hydrate well with plenty of water.

    Hydration is key, and I aim to drink between 6 to 10 cups of water per day. I also incorporate multivitamins and a fasting phase, eating only between 10 AM and 6 PM. Intermittent fasting, I found, gave me more energy and improved alertness.

    Adopting Healthy Habits While Working Out Twice a Day

    First and foremost, I want to emphasize the importance of implementing a reliable scheduling system. It was a game-changer for me, especially with reminders in place. It might be challenging at first, but with consistency and dedication, it becomes second nature. An essential aspect of working out twice a day is also prioritizing a balanced diet. For instance, I chose to incorporate multivitamins and balanced meals into my routine, which helped immensely with my weight loss goal. Monitoring your intake using applications such as MyFitnessPal can also be a beneficial strategy.

    Sleep is another crucial factor that cannot be overlooked. It was essential for me to get a minimum of eight hours of sleep each day, coupled with a 30-minute to an hour and a half nap whenever possible. Remember, when you're working out twice a day, your body needs rest to repair tissues, making it extremely important to ensure you're not consistently overtraining. A balanced meal, packed with proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, aids the body during sleep to repair muscles, especially after working out twice a day.

    Results of Working Out Twice a Day, Every Day

    My 60-day fitness journey led to a significant transformation. I began at around 287 pounds and ended at 249, indicating a weight loss of around 35 to 40 pounds. This fantastic outcome resulted from a combination of fat loss and muscle gain. My cravings reduced over time, my skin improved, and my body always felt alert. This level of fitness, achieved by someone who has already lost weight 2 to 3 times in their lifetime, was a testament to the effectiveness of working out twice a day.

    Before embarking on a similar journey, it's important to understand your body's capabilities and limitations. Seek guidance from professionals, consult a doctor if you have medical conditions, and ensure you are physically ready for this fitness commitment. Everyone is different, so tread carefully, stay safe, and prioritize self-care.

    How to Avoid Burnouts While Working Out Every Day

    Avoiding burnout is all about understanding your body's signals. While I didn't take many days off, there were a few times when I didn't engage in any form of resistance training. On those days, I opted for less strenuous activities such as walking, running, or yoga. Listening to your body is critical, and it's equally important to keep things enjoyable. Incorporating varied exercises and activities not only enhances your fitness level but also helps in keeping the process engaging. After all, figuring out how long you should workout a day and maintaining that balance is key to sustainable fitness.

    So, is it bad to workout every day? Not if you manage it correctly. Monitoring your body's responses, maintaining a balanced diet, and ensuring adequate rest can help you avoid burnouts and stay healthy while working out twice a day.

    Sergio Pedemonte

    Sergio Pedemonte is the founder of Your House Fitness, is a certified personal trainer with over a decade of experience. Sergio holds a diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion from Humber College in Ontario, Canada. He established YHF to provide flexible and comfortable training services in homes and residential areas. He is also renowned as a celebrity trainer, having worked with notable clients such as Dina Shihabi, OT Fagbenle, and Gina Rodriguez.


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