Resistance Band Back Exercises

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    Resistance Band Exercises for Back Video

    Resistance Band Exercises for Back

    Resistance Band Exercises for the Back are very effective when performed correctly and consistently. Many people who work out from home will find resistance band exercises to be an extremely useful and cost-effective way to maintain and improve strength. Having a strong back is important for almost every exercise you perform, and our everyday activities. Failure to strengthen the back can result in injury and disease.

    Resistance Band Exercises for Back as easy to perform, and simple to learn. Start by choosing a resistance band that is appropriate for your abilities. If you are unsure of what level of resistance band to choose, start with a lighter band and increase the intensity as you progress. 

    Some of the best Resistance Band Exercises for Back include,

    • Resistance Band Bent Over Row

    • Resistance Band Lat Pulldown

    • Resistance Band Low Row

    • Resistance Band Seated Row

    • Resistance Band Seated Wide Row

    • Resistance Band Seated Reverse Grip Row

    Resistance Band Exercises for Back and Shoulders

    Many of the Resistance Band Exercises for Back that we previously listed are also great for activating the shoulders! Since many resistance band exercises for back will require pulling to combat the resistance of the band, you are more than likely also activating the muscles of the shoulder and arms.  

    Some great Resistance Band Exercise for Back and Shoulders include,

    • Resistance Band Overhead Press

    • Resistance Band Single Arm Overhead Press

    • Resistance Band Pull Aparts

    • Resistance Band Wide Stance Shrugs

    • Resistance Band Y Raise

    • Resistance Band Face Pull

    • Assisted Pull Up


    Resistance Band Lower Back Exercises 

    Our lower back is often the first area to experience pain when we have been sitting for long periods of time. Some great Resistance Band Lower Back Exercises include,

    • Resistance Band Good Mornings

    • Resistance Band Bent Over Row

    • Resistance Band Deadlift

    • Bird Dog with Resistance Band


    Back Resistance Band Exercises

    In order for these Back Resistance Band Exercises to be effective, you need to be consistently including them in your exercise routine! It is not enough to be performing these exercises once per week, and then expecting to see an increase in strength. Try performing Back Resistance Band Exercises at least 3 times per week, with 3 sets of 8-12 reps for each exercise. We’ve listed many Back Resistance Band Exercises above, so you will plenty of variety to choose from!

    Lower Back Resistance Band Exercises 

    In addition to the Resistance Band Lower Back Exercises we listed above, a Resistance Band Superman will also engage the lower back. Lower Back Resistance Band Exercises are not as plentiful as other areas of the body, and you may even find that bodyweight exercises for the lower back are a better option than resistance band exercises due to the amount of stiffness and soreness that most people experience in this region. If this is the case for you, try some of these Lower Back Exercises before proceeding to Lower Back Resistance Band Exercises: 

    Gentle stretching such as the Downwards Dog and Forwards Bend are also great ways to lengthen the muscles of the mid-lower back before completing Lower Back Resistance Band Exercises.

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    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.

    Exercise Tutorial: Landmine Deadlift


    Exercise Tutorial: Hurdler Stretch