Muscle Breakdown: Scalenes

Muscle Breakdown_ Scalenes post.jpg

What Are the Scalenes

The Scalenes are three muscles that run vertically up the sides of the neck. There is an Anterior, Middle and Posterior Scalene. It can be easy to cause pain in the Scalenes without even realizing it, thus it is important to keep the Scalenes strong and perform stretches.

Scalenes Muscle | Scalenes Cadaver

Scalenes Muscle.jpg

Scalenes Function

Though small, the Scalene muscles play an important role in the body. The Anterior and Middle Scalene allow the neck to bend forwards, and they also help to keep the 1st rib elevated. The Posterior Scalene has a similar function as it keeps the 2nd rib elevated, and also helps to move the ear towards the shoulder on the same side. Altogether, the Scalenes also contribute to inspiration.

Scalenes Origin And Insertion

Scalenes Origin

  • Anterior Scalene: Vertebrae C3-C6 (Anterior tubercles)

  • Middle Scalene: Vertebrae C2-C7 (Posterior tubercles)

  • Posterior Scalene: Vertebrae C5-C7 (Posterior tubercles)

Scalenes Insertion

  • Anterior Scalene: First rib (Scalene tubercle)

  • Middle Scalene: First rib (upper surface)

  • Posterior Scalene: Second rib (Lateral surface)

Scalenes Innervation

All of the Scalene muscles are innervated by the Brachial Plexus.

Scalenes Pain

Scalene Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a condition that affects the Scalene muscles. Often, this syndrome causes pain in the neck which radiates down the arm. Scalene Myofascial Pain Syndrome can be the result of disease to the cervical spine, and can be misdiagnosed. Your doctor will use the trigger points of the Scalene to help determine where your pain is originating from.

Other causes of pain to the Scalene muscles include,

  • Whiplash

  • Sleeping on your stomach

  • Carrying a heavy bag

  • Wearing a tight collar

  • Consistent coughing

To treat pain that arises in the Scalenes, a healthcare practitioner can press on the trigger points of the muscle. At home, you can perform various stretches to help relieve pain in the Scalenes. Applying a hot compress before stretching can help to loosen up the muscles.

Scalenes Exercise

Most ‘exercises’ to strengthen the Scalenes are actually stretches! It is important to be gentle with these muscles so take extra care when stretching the muscles of the neck.

We wrote an article titled, Upper Back Stretches which contains many useful stretches for the neck and upper body. Check it out for a step-by-step tutorial on how to perform, 

  • Head tilts

  • Rotations for the neck

  • Head rotations

Scalenes Stretch

Stretch 1 

Sit down and place your left hand behind your back in the area of your right hip. Tilt your head backwards, and then to the right and look up towards the ceiling. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then switch sides.


Stretch 2 

Place the palm of one hand just above the opposite ear. Gently tilt the ear towards the shoulder of the hand on your head. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then switch sides.


Stretch 3

Place the left arm in the same starting position as in stretch 1. Use your right hand to gently pull the head towards the right shoulder, and tilt downwards as if you were smelling your armpit. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then switch sides.

Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.

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