Exercise Tutorial: Torso Twist

Table of Contents

    What Is a Torso Twist

    The Torso Twist is a dynamic exercise that helps in activating the core and prepare it for movement. Having a strong core is vital for many everyday movements and exercises, so it is important to warm-up the layers of muscle prior to the activity.

    How to Do Torso Twist

    1. Stand feet shoulder-width apart.

    2. Arms bent at your sides at a 90-degree angle.

    3. Rotate your torso and shoulders side to side.

    4. Look in the direction and pivot your feet when you twist.

    5. Keep your head up, breathe comfortably and brace your core throughout the movement.

    Torso Twist.jpg

    Torso Twist Form

    When performing the Torso Twist, be sure to move in a slow and controlled manner. Make sure that you begin with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms bent at 90-degrees. As you turn to the right side, your left heel will come off the ground. When you turn to the left side, your right heel will come off the ground.

    Torso Twist Benefits

    This is a great dynamic movement to add prior to performing any strength training. As we utilize our core muscles with every movement i.e squat, deadlift, bench, overhead press etc. We need to focus on how to recruit our core muscles effectively and prepare them to assist us in bracing and creating intra abdominal pressure to protect our spine and create maximal tension in our lifts.

    Torso Twist Muscles Worked

    Why Is the Torso Twist Useful

    The Torso twist rotations assist in the body’s ability to do flexion, extension and multi-planar movements. Adding these movements into your training routine will assist in building strong abdominals and back muscles, therefore, improving all bodily movements, balance, and stability.

    Torso Twist Variations

    • Regression: Seated Torso Rotations

    • Progression: Resistance Band Torso Rotations

    Regression: Seated Torso Rotations

    This variation is a great option for elderly individuals experiencing issues with their balance. All you need to do is sit on a chair or stool and rotate the torso from side to side. Never forget the importance of taking deep breaths with this exercise. Inhale to lengthen the spine and exhale into the twist. 

    Progression: Resistance Band Torso Rotations

    This variation is a great core activation exercise. Loop or anchor a thin resistance band to a pole, post or doorknob. Aim to have the band in line at the chest level. Grasp the band with both hands and step away from the anchor. Extend your arms out, hold the band at the sternum level. Rotate the band all the way out to the side, keep your hips square, return back to center and repeat. Perform 10 reps and repeat on the other side.

    Variations of the Torso Twist

    Standing Torso Twist

    The Standing Torso Twist is the variation that is pictured and described above. You can also add a medicine ball into the exercise as a progression. Hold the medicine ball with your arms extended in front of you. In this progression, your feet will remain planted and your upper body is moving to each side.

    Reverse Lunge With Torso Twist

    The Reverse Lunge with Torso Twist combines two exercises, the Reverse Lunge and the Torso Twist. Perform the Reverse Lunge by stepping one leg backwards and entering a Lunge position. Once you are in the Reverse Lunge, perform the Torso Twist by extending your arms straight out in front of the body, and then twisting the torso to the side by swinging your arms to the same side. You can progress this exercise by holding a medicine ball while performing the movement. 

    Cable Torso Twist

    The Cable Torso Twist makes use of a cable machine. Use both hands to hold the handle of the machine and step away from the machine to the arms are fully extended to the side. Your body will be sideways to the machine, and your arms will be pointing to the machine. Begin to twist the torso and bring your arms across the front of the body as you twist to the opposite side. Slowly return the arms to the starting position and repeat the movement. Don’t forget to switch sides!

    Seated Torso Twist

    The Seated Torso Twist is a stretch that is performed on the ground. Have a seat on the ground with your legs extended in front of you and your torso upright. Bring your right foot to the outside of the left knee. Cross your left arm over your right thigh just above the right knee. Draw your right shoulder back as you twist the torso and bring the left shoulder forwards. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then switch sides.

    Dumbbell Torso Twist

    In the Dumbbell Torso Twist, you will hold one dumbbell using both hands. Your arms will extend straight out in front of the chest, and the dumbbell will be held vertically. Begin to twist the torso to one side by moving your arms to one side of the body. While maintaining the height of the arms, slowly return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the other side of the body. Continue to alternate sides.

    Torso Twist Stretch

    The Torso Twist Stretch occurs when your feet are shoulder-width apart and your hands are on your hips. Slowly begin to twist the torso as you look over one shoulder. Return to the starting position and procced to look behind the remaining shoulder. Repeat the movement. 

    Torso Twist Machine

    Some gyms will have a Torso Twist machine that will help you perform the movement under a load. Place your knees into the machine and hold onto the handles. Begin to perform the Torso Twist using a controlled movement. Your hands and upper body will remain stationary during the movement.

    Tips for Performing the Torso Twist Correctly

    When performing the torso twist, avoid making sudden or violent movements during the rotation. Focus on controlled and deliberate motions. Ensure your spine stays aligned throughout the exercise. Avoid jerking or twisting too quickly. If you’re a beginner, start slow to build proper form and control. For those at an intermediate level, you can explore more advanced options once you feel comfortable.

    Equipment Variations for the Torso Twist

    There are many equipment options available for performing the torso twist. These include medicine balls, resistance bands, stability balls, and the torso twist machine. Each offers varying levels of complexity and difficulty, making it easy to tailor the exercise to your fitness level and goals. Whether you’re looking for strength-building or stretching, the right equipment will depend on your specific needs.

    Resistance Bands vs. Machine: Muscle Activation Study for the Torso Twist

    The study, titled "Core Muscle Activity, Exercise Preference, and Perceived Exertion During Core Exercise with Elastic Resistance Versus Machine," specifically examined muscle activation during the torso twist exercise. The research compared the use of resistance bands to a machine for performing this movement.

    Key Findings:

    1. Exercise Preference:

      • 76% of participants preferred performing the torso twist with resistance bands over using the machine.

      • The resistance band exercise was found to be more enjoyable and comfortable for most individuals.

    2. Muscle Activation:

      • Erector Spinae: Showed greater activation when using resistance bands compared to the machine.

      • Left External Oblique: Had better activation when using the machine instead of the resistance bands.

      • Other Core Muscles: Muscles such as the rectus abdominis, right external oblique, and left erector spinae showed no significant differences in activation between the two methods.

    3. Practical Implications:

      • Using resistance bands can be more effective for targeting the erector spinae muscles.

      • The machine may be better for exercises that focus on the external oblique muscles.


    This study highlights the benefits of elastic resistance in increasing muscle activation for the erector spinae, while the machine-based torso twist exercises may better target the external oblique. Additionally, the higher preference for resistance bands suggests that they could improve adherence to core exercise programs due to their comfort and enjoyment.

    Frequently Asked Questions About the Torso Twist

    What Are the Benefits of Using the Torso Twist Machine?

    The Torso Twist Machine will engage the obliques and strengthen the muscles in core. It will help to improve your ability to perform exercises that require flexion and extension of the spine and increase mobility in the hips.

    What Are the Common Names for the Torso Twist Exercise?

    • Standing Torso Twist

    • Torso Twist Exercise

    • Torso Rotation

    What Happens When You Experience Pain While Twisting Your Torso?

    If you feel any pain while performing a torso twist, stop immediately. The discomfort could indicate a strain or an issue with your back. If you're unsure about the cause, it's important to consult a physician or your family doctor for guidance. Prioritize your safety and avoid continuing the exercise if you experience any pain.

    Sergio Pedemonte

    Sergio Pedemonte is the founder of Your House Fitness, is a certified personal trainer with over a decade of experience. Sergio holds a diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion from Humber College in Ontario, Canada. He established YHF to provide flexible and comfortable training services in homes and residential areas. He is also renowned as a celebrity trainer, having worked with notable clients such as Dina Shihabi, OT Fagbenle, and Gina Rodriguez.


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    タイトル: 縫工筋の役割とケア方法: 体を支える最長の筋肉