Learn About the World's Greatest Stretch: The Most Complete Full Body Stretch

Table of Contents

    What Is the World’s Greatest Stretch

    The World's Greatest Stretch lives up to its grandiose name for good reason! Targeting three key areas of the body - the spine, hips, and ankles - all in one move, it is ideal for performing prior to a workout. Many consider the World's Greatest Stretch to be the most complete full body stretch available.

    How to Do the World’s Greatest Stretch

    Learning how to do the World’s Greatest Stretch can take some practice at first, but once you memorize the movements it will become easier. Follow these steps to learn how to perform the World’s Greatest Stretch:

    1. Lunge forward with right foot.

    2. Place left hand on floor.

    3. Twist while extending right arm upwards.

    4. Return to start position.

    5. Repeat on opposite side.

    World’s Greatest Stretch Form

    When performing the World’s Greatest Stretch, there are some points to be aware of. To start, take your time as you go through the movement. It’s not a race to get through each step, so control your breathing and only stretch to the point of slight discomfort. As well, keep your hips square to each other throughout the movement. Your hips should not bend or sag during the stretch, so make sure you are engaging the core.

    World’s Greatest Stretch Benefits

    The World’s Greatest Stretch gets its name from all of its benefits! These benefits include,

    • Mobilization of the thoracic spine, hips, and ankles.

    • Increased flexibility and range of motion.

    • Strengthens the stabilizing muscles and lengthens the muscles that are being engaged.

    • Can reduce tension and tightness in the body.

    • Can reduce the risk of injury.

    • Great warm-up stretch.

    • Quick way to stretch out key areas of the body.

    World’s Greatest Stretch Muscles Worked

    The World’s Greatest Stretch is a full-body stretch. It will engage the Core, Hamstrings, Calves, Glutes, Quadriceps, Back, Chest, Shoulders and Arms! In five minutes, you can stretch the major muscles groups of the body go figure!

    Why Is the World’s Greatest Stretch Useful

    The World’s Greatest Stretch is useful because it combines both static and dynamic stretches together. This bodyweight movement can be performed anywhere, which makes it convenient and simple to include in your exercise routine.

    This is a great stretch for those who are not fond of stretching but know that they need to do something to warm up before their exercise session. In addition to the stretch’s benefits, it also engages key areas of the body to truly give you the World’s Greatest Stretch!

    World’s Greatest Stretch Alternatives

    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


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