Do You Have Tight Adductor Muscles? Try These Adductor Stretches

Table of Contents

    What Is an Adductor Stretch

    The Adductor stretch is a great cool-down static stretch for any activity that involves running, jogging, or cycling. The Adductor stretch aims to provide a deep stretch in the hips to reduce tightness and increase flexibility. The adductor stretch is also referred to as the kneeling hip adductor stretch.

    How to Do an Adductor Stretch

    To learn how to perform the Adductor stretch, follow these simple steps:

    1. Start in a kneeling lunge position with your right foot forwards.

    2. Slowly begin to lean forwards to feel the stretch in the inner hip. Hold for 30 seconds.

    3. Repeat on the other side.

    Adductor Stretch Stretch Form

    The form is important in the Adductor stretch. If you do not have the proper form, you might not feel the stretch or even end up hurting yourself. Remember that your hips should be square to each other throughout the entire movement. The knee of the leading foot should not travel past the toes. As well, try to make sure that your back leg is directly behind the body, and the knee is in line with the ankle.

    Adductor Stretch Stretch Benefits

    There are many benefits when the Adductor stretch is consistently performed! Some of these benefits include,

    • Reduced back pain.

    • Improved posture.

    • Increased mobility, flexibility, and range of motion.

    • Transferability to other exercises.

    • Improved balance and alignment of the hips.

    • Reduced risk of injury to the hips.

    Adductor Stretch Muscles Worked

    The Adductor stretch will engage the Iliacus, Psoas Major, Psoas Minor, and Adductors of the hip. This includes the Obturator Externus, Adductor Brevis, Adductor Longus, Adductor Magnus, and Gracilis.  

    Why Is the Adductor Stretch Useful

    Hip Adductors are crucial to maintaining the balance and stability of the hips. When these muscles become tight, muscular imbalances can occur which impact the alignment and stability of the hips. This can translate into back pain and additional injuries.

    The Adductor stretch is useful because it helps to combat tight hips and correct these imbalances. The Hips are involved in many movements, so it is important to maintain their mobility, especially as we age!

    Hip Adductor Stretches

    Hip adductor stretches are commonly used by people with tight adductor muscles. One of the recommendations is to perform mobility workouts specifically for the adductor muscles. Below, I will provide a list of alternative hip adductor stretches that can help open up your hips.

    Adductor Stretch Alternatives

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    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.

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