Introduction to the Arnold Split Workout

Table of Contents

    What is the Arnold Split?

    The Arnold split is a training routine in which six training days are included in a week. It is named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, the greatest bodybuilder in history, and is based on his training routine during his prime bodybuilding career. This split focuses on high volume and frequency, hitting each muscle group multiple times a week. 

    Workout Structure for Arnold Split

    What Does a Typical Arnold Split Routine Look Like?

    A typical Arnold split expressed in a week would be chest and back on Monday/Thursday, shoulders and arms on Tuesday/Friday, legs on Wednesday/Saturday, and rest on Sunday. 

    What Are the Primary Muscle Groups Targeted Each Day?

    Benefits of the Arnold Split

    What Are the Advantages of Following This Split

    The Arnold split emphasizes training frequency and volume for each body part to maximize hypertrophy. With high reps and sets for each exercise and many exercises per training session, this split challenges the body by producing overwhelming stress, facilitating physical and mental toughness and growth. 

    How Does It Compare to Other popular splits like Push/Pull/Legs or Upper/Lower?

    Compared to other training routines, the Arnold split stands out as perhaps the most volume-intensive approach. This feature was prominent in the golden era of bodybuilding in the 1970s, when Arnold Schwarzenegger and other bodybuilding legends spent hours at the gym every day to maximize hypertrophy. The Arnold split arguably offers the most muscular hypertrophy and variety due to high muscle stimulation. However, people doing this split could run into the risk of overtraining and burnout without proper intensity and recovery procedures. In addition, its time-consuming nature makes it unsuitable for many lifters. 

    The Arnold Split: A Detailed Breakdown of Each Workout Day

      • Specific exercises, sets, and reps for each day.

      • Focus on compound vs. isolation movements.

      • Importance of exercise variety.

    Day 1: Chest & Back

    • Barbell Bench Press: 4 sets of 10 reps

    • Incline smith machine press: 4 sets of 10 reps

    • Pec Fly: 2 sets of 10 reps

    • Incline dumbbell fly: 2 sets of 10 reps

    • Lat Pulldown: 4 sets of 10 reps

    • Cable Row: 3 sets of 10 reps

    • Seated Row: 3 sets of 10 reps

    Day 2: Shoulders & Arms

    Day 3: Legs

    Day 4: Chest & Back

    Day 5: Shoulders & Arms

    Day 6: Legs

    Day 7: Rest

    Variation and variety are advanced techniques that could greatly enhance our lifting experience and progression. For every workout in the Arnold split, there is an incorporation of compound and isolation exercises. Each muscle group is trained multiple times a week with different exercises every time. This would recruit and stress the most amount of muscle fibers and prevent overuse injuries. 

    Arnold himself stated that he would implement variations to his workouts to confuse and shock the muscles. Exercise variations are a great tool for breaking plateaus and breaking accommodation. You may switch up the exercise orders, reps, sets, and tempo to enhance your progression. 

    In Regards to the Arnold Split: Recovery and Rest Days

    Since there is only one rest day per week, with all other days containing high-volume training, make sure to avoid doing intense exercise throughout the week. In addition, at least 8 hours of sleep is essential and frequent meal consumption with high carbohydrates is recommended. In addition, you should listen to your body and prevent training through pain or insufficient recovery. 

    Nutrition and Supplementation

    Recommended dietary strategies to complement the Arnold Split

    Eat an adequate amount of protein at around 1 gram per pound of body weight. This is optimal for your body's growth, repair, and recovery. Distribute protein intake throughout the day for optimal protein synthesis and avoid storing it as fat. Consume lots of carbs at over half of the total energy intake daily, especially before and after training, to enhance performance and recovery. Unsaturated fats should be consumed from deep ocean fish, avocados, and nuts for joint health and cell functioning.

    Supplements That May Enhance Performance and Recovery

    Creatine and protein supplements are the most effective natural supplements backed by science. Consuming BCAAs during workouts may be beneficial for anabolism. Be sure to do your own research before purchasing and consuming such products! 

    Tips for Beginners

    How Can Beginners Adapt the Arnold Split to Their Fitness Level?

    Beginners should start with lower weights and prioritize form. You may choose to lower the set count at first and increase the volume as you get familiar with the exercises and adapt to the training intensity. Increasing the load slightly after you are able to perform the designated volume is a good way to get the benefits of the Arnold split, being high volume and frequency. 

    Common Mistakes to Avoid

    Do not go all out for every training session when you first start working out. Your body takes time to adapt to new stress, which can be overwhelming and lead to overtraining and injuries. Always do full range of motion with each exercise to learn their biomechanics during the learning phase. 

    Advanced Techniques

    Techniques like Supersets, Drop Sets, and Pyramid Sets Within the Arnold Split

    You may implement drop sets and pyramid sets to stimulate your muscles further. Have a consistent set and rep scheme and add these techniques once or twice a week into your workouts to increase training intensity and facilitate growth. 

    An example with these techniques is shown below:

    • Barbell Bench Press (pyramid): 6 sets of 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2 reps respectively. 

    • Triceps pushdown (drop set): 3 sets of 15 reps, decreasing the weight by 15% after 5 and 10 reps.

    How to Progressively Overload over Time

    Increasing the weight on exercises slightly after a period of time will progressively overload your muscles. The biggest weight increase should be for compound lifts such as the bench press and squat, which should be prioritized first. In addition, you may introduce different training variables, such as tempo training, decreased rest times, bands, and chains, to your workouts.

    Success Stories and Testimonials:

    Arnold Schwarzenneggar

    Arnold, who is the originator of the Arnold split, developed one of the most iconic physiques of all time. Not only did he capture seven Mr.Olympia titles, but he also inspired numerous people with those bulging biceps and one-of-a-kind chest. He is a big believer in volume training as he has said infamously that he would train for 4+ hours every session. Although the Arnold split received constant criticism, it successfully created "the Austrian Oak" that people admire and love.

    The Arnold split is not as widely used as the push/pull/legs split or the bro split. Many people would also modify their training routine to fit their body response and preferences. Therefore, each person will have a slightly different routine even when doing the same split. Most top bodybuilders would have their own routine from years of trial and error. Therefore, the most important thing is to experience for yourself and be consistent with training. The training routine is secondary to hard work and persistence. 

    How Effective is a 6 Day Gym Workout Schedule?

    The six-day gym workout schedule is quite effective for goal setting and preparation for bodybuilding, weight loss, etc. The only thing we need to take into consideration when doing a six day gym workout schedule is having a balanced muscle distribution. Consider how many times a week you hit each muscle group, along with planning cardio and mobility sessions. This is especially noted for beginners, as it can be tough on the body. It is recommended for intermediate to advanced users. It’s often said that if you’re going to start a program like this, you should have at least some experience under your belt.

    Remember, even starting with 20 to 30 minutes a day, six times a week, can help. Ensure you get enough rest, maintain good sleep hygiene, and keep your nutrition on point. These workouts need to be optimized, and you need to make sure you perform them correctly. The Arnold split works as a six day program, but we should also remember that other six-day programs can be effective, such as push-pull legs or full-body workouts with additional cardio on the other days.

    Jerry Li (CPT & BKin)

    Jerry Li is a certified personal trainer with the International Sports Science Association (ISSA). He has a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology and is pursuing a Master of Professional Kinesiology (MPK) at the University of Toronto. Jerry has a specialist certification in bodybuilding and a passion for powerlifting. He is also certified as a Nutritionist by the ISSA.


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