


Kiran is passionate about helping people to transform their minds and bodies by teaching about nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle, holding clients accountable, providing support, and helping them create life-long habits. 

Before becoming a personal trainer, Kiran was pursuing medicine because of her love of good health and caring for others. However, she realized that she didn't see herself treating symptoms as a medical doctor. Instead, she envisioned herself being able to help people with natural ways to treat the root cause of pain and disease. She believes exercise and nutrition is the best medicine. She focuses on educating and empowering others with the right knowledge and tools, helping them make adjustments to their programs, and holding accountability.

Kiran's mission is to assist people reach their ideal health objectives by providing simple strategies, keeping herself updated on current and proven nutrition principles and personal training techniques. 

She holds a Science Degree from Western University, a personal training certification from National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and certified to train with Lebert Training Systems™ (LTS). She loves to travel the world, read books that enrich the mind and body, and stays active by running and strength training. 


  • Bsc Hons Biology, Western University

  • Fitness Instructor Specialist (FIS)

  • Personal Training Specialist (PTS)

  • NSCA Certified

  • Lebert Training Systems

  • Mossa Certified Instructor


Expertly-designed training programs, customized to each clients skill level, goals, and time available. Her speciality is in Fat-burning, and strength & conditioning.

Teaching nutrition principles such as healthy proteins, fats, sources of sugars and simple carbs, hydration, hormones, etc. Her nutrition program is designed to educate her clients lifelong skills, including how to eat nutritiously to attain and maintain results.  She encourages clients to place emphasis on nutrients, rather than counting points or calories, with the understanding that not all calories are created equal and that clean eating can still taste delicious.

Coaching lifestyle principles such as stress management, sleep, exercise, and how to handle emotional eating. Encouraging , motivating, and holding clients accountable to their goals and commitments.




Midori Rutledge