Exercise Tutorial: X Band Walk

Table of Contents

    What Is a X Band Walk

    The X Band Walk is an exercise that uses a resistance band to challenge the muscles of the legs. The X Band Walk is a simple exercise to learn and perform, read below to learn how to perform the X Band Walk.

    How to Do a X Band Walk

    To complete the X Band Walk, you will need a mini resistance band or TheraBand. To learn how to perform the X Band Walk, follow these steps:

    1. Loop the resistance band around the middle of the shins. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. 

    2. Take a step diagonally to the right. Lead with your right foot, and then bring your left foot in line at a hip-width distance to retain tension in the band.

    3. Take a step diagonally to the left. Lead with your left foot, and then bring your right foot in line at a hip-width distance.

    4. Continue to alternate between stepping diagonally to the right and left. You will end up zig-zagging forwards in a straight line.

    You have now learned how to complete the X Band Walk!

    X Band Walk Exercise.gif

    X Band Walk Form

    Although the X Band Walk appears to be a simple movement, there are some key points to keep in mind while performing the exercise. When completing the X Band Walk remember to,

    • Keep a slight bend in the knees throughout the X Band Walk

    • Maintain a straight spine

    • Always maintain tension in the Band!

    • Even though you are moving diagonally, you should overall be going forwards in a straight line

     X Band Walk Benefits 

    Some benefits of the X Band Walk can include, 

    • Injury prevention

    • Stabilizes the ankles, knees and hips

    • Increased muscular strength

    • Great for injury rehabilitation

    • Low impact way of increasing muscular strength

    • Great warm-up exercise

    Why Is the X band Walk Useful

    X Band Walks are a useful exercise because they are a low impact way to increase muscular strength in the legs. When performed properly, the X Band Walk places the legs under constant resistance which is a great way to activate the abductors of the legs.

    As well, X Band Walks are a useful exercise because they are easy to learn and perform, making it a great exercise for beginners and novice athletes. The ability to change the weight of the resistance band will also create a challenge for even advanced athletes!

    X Band Walk Muscles Worked

    During the X Band Walk, the following muscles will be engaged,

    X Band Walk Variations

    Lateral Band Walk 

    An alternative to the X Band Walk, it the Lateral Band Walk. Instead of walking diagonally to the sides, you will turn sideways and step to the side to walk in a straight line. Stand sideways with your feet hip-width apart. Step to the left side with your left foot, and follow with the right foot. Keep taking a step to the left, leading with the left foot for 10 steps. Then go back, leading with the right foot for 10 steps.

    Duck Walk 

    The Duck walk involves the same sequence of movements as the X Band Walk, but you remain in a semi-squat position as you perform the movement.

    X Band Walk Alternatives

    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


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