Exercise Tutorial: Triceps Kickbacks

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Table of Contents

    What Is a Tricep Kickback

    If you are looking to increase the size and strength of the Triceps, The Triceps Kickback is the exercise for you! Keep reading to learn about the benefits of the Triceps Kickback, as well as the many variations of the movement.


    How to Do a Dumbbell Tricep Kickback

    Follow these steps to learn how to perform the Triceps Kickback. For this step-by-step tutorial, we will be describing the Dumbbell Triceps Kickback.

    1. Begin with your feet hip-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand.

    2. Bend the torso forwards so that it is almost parallel to the floor. Slightly bend the knees.

    3. Keep the upper arm and elbows tight to the body. ‘Kickback’ the forearm by bending at the elbow and extending the arm straight out behind you.

    4. Return the forearm to the starting position and repeat the movement

    You have now learned how to perform the Triceps Kickback!

    Tricep Kickback Exercise.gif

    Tricep Kickback Form

    When performing the Triceps Kickback, you need to ensure that you are displaying the proper form in order to avoid injury and have the best workout possible! Here are a few tips to remember when performing the Triceps Kickback:

    • Keep the elbows and upper arm tight to the body

    • Maintain a neutral spine by keeping the core engaged

    • Slightly tuck the chin into the body

    • Extend the forearm straight back behind you

    • Perform the Triceps Kickback in a slow, controlled movement


    Tricep Kickbacks Muscles Worked

    The primary muscle that the Triceps Kickback engages is the Triceps brachii. The Secondary muscles engaged include the core and the posterior deltoid.


    Tricep Kickback Benefits 

    Here are a few benefits of the Triceps Kickback:

    • Tones the arms

    • Increases muscular strength and size

    • Engages all three heads of the Triceps

    • Easy to learn with multiple methods to perform


    Why Is the Tricep Kickback Useful 

    The Triceps Kickback is useful because it targets all three heads of the Triceps! With consistent use of the Triceps Kickback, you will be able to achieve well defined Triceps. As well, the Triceps Kickback is a useful exercise because there are many different variations that you can try. These variations will provide variety in your workouts which can help to prevent boredom from repeating the same movement.


    Triceps Kickback Variations

    Listed below are variations of the Triceps Kickback.


    Cable Tricep Kickbacks 

    Cable Triceps Kickbacks are done using a cable machine. Lower a pulley to the lowest setting and use a handle attachment. Step back from the machine but remain facing the machine. Get into the starting position for the Dumbbell Triceps Kickback we described above, however you will only be holding the handle in one hand. Proceed to perform the Triceps Kickback as usual. Don’t forget to switch arms!

    Standing Tricep Kickbacks 

    This variation involves standing with your feet hip-width apart while performing the Triceps Kickback as we also described above. Alternatively, the Triceps Kickback can be performed with the assistance of a bench. Rest the opposite knee from the arm with the dumbbell on the bench and use your free arm to stabilize the body on the bench as you perform the Triceps Kickback with one arm.


    One Arm Tricep Kickbacks

    The One Arm Triceps Kickback only engages one arm. The other arm is resting just above the knee on the thigh. The One Arm Triceps Kickback is typically performed with the support of a bench, or during the Cable Triceps Kickback


    Two Arm Triceps Kickbacks

    The Two Arm Triceps Kickback is usually done with dumbbells or resistance bands. This is when you perform the Triceps Kickback with both arms.


    Resistance Band Triceps Kickbacks

    This variation of the Triceps Kickback involves the use of a resistance band. This can be done in two ways. 

    The first involves anchoring the resistance band around a support at ankle height. Hold one end of the resistance band in each hand.  Step back until there is tension in the band and perform the Triceps Kickback as usual. You will be facing towards the resistance band and the support, not away from them.

    The second method of using a resistance band involves stepping on the resistance band, with your feet about hip-width apart. Hold each end on the band in your hands and perform the Triceps Kickback as usual.

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    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


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