Exercise Tutorial: Supine Hamstring Stretch

Table of Contents

    What Is a Supine Hamstring Stretch

    The Supine Hamstring Stretch can be performed in a variety of ways, including by yourself, with a partner, or with the use of a Stretch Out Strap or Resistance Band. Tight Hamstrings can occur for a variety of reasons such as overuse, running, or even after a tough leg day. The good news is, we can stretch out our tight muscles to help reduce tightness, increase flexibility, and promote blood flow to these areas.

    How to Do a Supine Hamstring Stretch

    Follow these simple steps to learn how to do a Supine Hamstring Stretch on your own!

    1. Lie down on your back with your legs out straight.

    2. Lift one leg off the floor and grab it at the calf.

    3. Dorsiflex your foot (pointed up) and pull it towards you until you feel a stretch in the hamstrings. Hold for 30 seconds.

    4. Repeat on the other leg.

    Supine Hamstring Stretch.png

    Benefits of the Supine Hamstring Stretch 

    The primary benefit of the Supine Hamstring Stretch is its ability to directly target the Hamstring muscle group. The Hamstrings are composed of three key muscles, the Semitendinosus, the Semimembranosus and the Biceps Femoris. The Supine Hamstring stretch will engage all three of these muscles, increasing their flexibility and helping to reduce the risk of injury. Additional benefits of the Supine Hamstring stretch include reduced low back pain, improve posture and reduced recovery time.

    Supine Hamstring Stretch Form 

    When performing the Supine Hamstring stretch, make sure that your back is flat against the ground, and you keep the working leg as straight as possible! Bending the leg that is being stretched will reduce the intensity of the stretch, making it less effective.

    Supine Hamstring Stretch Muscles Worked

    The Supine Hamstring Stretch will engage the Semitendinosus, the Semimembranosus and the Biceps Femoris. The Supine Hamstring Stretch will also engage the Glutes to a lesser extent.

    Why Is the Supine Hamstring Stretch Useful 

    The Supine Hamstring Stretch is useful for every type of person. Regardless if you are an athlete, or you have a sedentary lifestyle, the Supine Hamstring Stretch will benefit you. This is because tight Hamstrings can contribute to lower back pain by pulling on the muscles in the hips. Regular performance of the Supine Hamstring Stretch will not just increase your flexibility, but also help to reduce the risk of injury to your muscles, which is important for everyone!

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    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


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