Exercise Tutorial: Pigeon Stretch

Table of Contents

    What Is a Pigeon Stretch

    The Pigeon stretch is an effective way to open the hips while stretching multiple muscles. Many people enjoy performing the Pigeon stretch in Yoga and find it provides great relief after a long day of sitting. The Pigeon is a static stretch that encompasses a forward bend, which is responsible for the relief that is felt in the spine while performing this stretch.

    How to Do Pigeon Stretch

    The Pigeon stretch can be a bit challenging to perform at first, especially if you have limited flexibility in the hips. Don’t get discouraged, you can only get better with practice!

     To learn how to do a Pigeon stretch, follow these steps:

    1. Starting in a quadruped position (wrists in line with the shoulders and knees aligned with the hips), bring one knee in and rest it on the floor.

    2. Straighten the other leg out behind you. Hold for 30 seconds.

    3. Repeat on the other leg.

    4. To deepen the stretch bend forward as far as you can.

    Pigeon Stretch Form

    When performing the Pigeon stretch, you need to make sure that your hips are square to another. If you find that one hip is in front of the other, try adding a pillow under the hip on the side that is being stretched. As well, beware of the possible rotation of the rear leg. Your rear leg should be neutral, which means that it is not rotated inwards or outwards. Tucking the toes can help to correct this.   

    Pigeon Stretch Benefits 

    The Pigeon stretch has many benefits including, 

    • Increased flexibility and range of motion in the hips

    • Decreased tightness in the hips

    • Reduced risk of injury

    • Increased blood flow to the engaged areas

    • Warms up the body for additional seated poses in Yoga

    Pigeon Stretch Muscles Worked

    The Pigeon stretch targets many muscles in the hips including the Piriformis, Psoas Major, and Psoas Minor. The Pigeon stretch also engages the Back, Thighs, and Glutes.

    Why Is the Pigeon Stretch Useful

    The Pigeon stretch is useful for those who practice Yoga as an introduction before additional seated positions. The Pigeon stretch is also a great static stretch to perform like a cool down after intense sports or activities such as running. This will help to reduce the risk of tight hips which can have many complications such as pain, injury, and swelling.

    Pigeon Pose vs. Pigeon Stretch

    The Pigeon Pose and the Pigeon Stretch refer to the exact same exercise. The term "Pigeon Pose" is more commonly used in a yoga class setting, whereas "Pigeon Stretch" is typically used in more fitness-based contexts, such as fitness classes and personal training sessions.

    Pigeon Pose Variations

    Modified Pigeon Pose

    The Modified Pigeon Pose is a variation of the traditional Pigeon Pose in yoga, often involving props like a block or bolster under the hip or a slight adjustment in leg positioning.

    Sleeping Pigeon Pose

    The Sleeping Pigeon Pose is performed with one leg bent in front and the other extended behind, the practitioner leans forward and rests their forehead on their hands or the mat.

    Standing Pigeon Pose

    The Standing Pigeon Pose is a balancing yoga pose where you stand on one foot, cross the opposite ankle over the knee of the standing leg, and squat down slightly, aiming to keep the hips square.

    Double Pigeon Pose

    The Double Pigeon Pose is a deep hip opening yoga pose where both legs are bent and stacked on top of each other, with the shins parallel to the front of the mat, and can include a forward fold for an added stretch.

    Reclined Pigeon Pose

    The Reclined Pigeon Pose is a gentle hip-opening pose where you lie on your back with one ankle resting on the opposite knee and pull the legs towards your chest.

    Half Pigeon Pose

    The Half Pigeon Pose is a yoga pose that deeply stretches the hips, thighs, and groin, where one leg is folded in front of the body and the other extended straight back, with the torso folded over the front leg.

    King Pigeon Pose

    The King Pigeon Pose is an advanced yoga backbend pose where the practitioner kneels on the floor, arches back and grabs the feet or ankles.

    Flying Pigeon Pose

    The Flying Pigeon Pose is an advanced yoga pose that combines balance and strength, where one foot is placed on the triceps of the bent arm while the practitioner balances on the hands with the other leg extended straight behind.

    Pigeon Pose Alternative

    Here are several alternatives to the Pigeon Pose that can be used as a starting point if you lack the flexibility to perform the original pose.

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    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


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