Exercise Tutorial: Leg Curl

Table of Contents

    What Is a Leg Curl

    The Leg Curl is an exercise that isolates a muscle group and aims to increase strength in the legs. Depending on the variation of Leg Curl that you are doing, you will primarily be targeting the Hamstring muscle group. 

    How to Use Leg Curl Machine

    Leg Curls can be performed in three main ways. There is a Lying Leg Curl, a Seated Leg Curl, and a Standing Leg Curl. The most popular variation of the Leg Curl is the Lying Leg Curl which isolates the Hamstring muscle group. To learn how to do a Leg Curl, follow these simple steps below. 

    1. Locate the Leg Curl machine in your gym and select your desired weight. You may need to adjust the machine to suit your height.

    2. Lie down in the Leg Curl machine on your stomach or sit down on the machine. Your feet will hook underneath the pad and your hands can rest on the handles at the top or side of the machine.

    3. Brace the core and squeeze the glutes as you lift your heels towards your butt. Hold for one count and then slowly lower your legs in a controlled movement.

    You have now learned how to do a Leg Curl!

    Leg Curl Form

    Since the Leg Curl is performed in a machine, there is not much to monitor in terms of form. Make sure that the machine has been adjusted to accommodate your height and size. Keep your hips down and squeeze the glutes as you perform the movement. The biggest mistake you can make in the Leg Curl is using too much weight, so start light and increase as you progress!

    Leg Curl Benefits

    The main benefit of the Leg Curl is the amount of strength you can build in your legs. Not only are you primarily targeting the Hamstring during the Lying Leg Curl, but you are also activating the Quadriceps and shins as you lower the weight back to the starting position. Having strong Hamstrings will translate into other exercises and increase your balance and stability. You will also find that daily activity can become easier and the more active you are, your risk of disease will decrease!

    Why Is the Leg Curl Useful

    The Leg Curl is useful because it will increase strength in the lower leg. This simple movement isolates a muscle group and will strengthen these muscles as you consistently train and perform the movement. Strong legs are the key to avoiding falls and maintaining your balance. They will also help you to train better and perform better in all aspects of life. There is no downfall to performing the Leg Curl!

    Leg Curl Alternative

    An alternative to the Leg Curl is the Romanian Deadlift or the Kettlebell Swing. These exercises will also increase strength in the legs and provide variety in your exercise routine. Check out our exercise tutorials for each of these movements to see a step-by-step explanation on how to perform the Romanian Deadlift, Glute Bridge and the Kettlebell Swing.

    Leg Curl Variations

    There are three main Leg Curl variations. These are the Lying Leg Curl, the Seated Leg Curl, and the Standing Leg Curl. Keep reading to see what the difference is between these Leg Curl variations.

    Lying Leg Curl

    The Lying Leg Curl is the Leg Curl variation that we described step-by-step above. This variation targets the Hamstrings and is completed by lying down on your stomach in the Leg Curl Machine.

    Seated Leg Curl

    The Seated Leg Curl is different than the Lying Leg Curl. In this variation, you will have a seat in the machine just as you would if you were sitting in a chair. Your legs will begin extended out in front of the body and on top of the pad. You will then engage the Glutes and Quadriceps to lower the legs towards the ground, and slowly raise them back up to the starting position.

    Standing Leg Curl

    The Standing Leg Curl can be done in a variety of different machines. The Standing Leg Curl will allow you to perform a Single-Leg Leg Curl. In this variation, you are standing but slightly hunched over a pad. Your foot will be underneath the lower pad and you will curl one leg at a time towards the glute in a controlled movement.

    Dumbbell Leg Curl 

    The Dumbbell Leg Curl is done by placing a single dumbbell in-between your feet and performing a Leg Curl as you lie face down on a bench. You should be very careful if choosing to try this variation at you are using your feet to hold the dumbbell in place which can be difficult to do. We recommend trying a different Leg Curl variation before the Dumbbell Leg Curl.

    What Is the Leg Curl Machine?

    The Leg Curl Machine is a piece of equipment that you can use to perform the Leg Curl. There are three main types of Leg Curl Machines, a Lying Leg Curl Machine, and Seated Leg Curl Machine, and a Standing Leg Curl Machine. You can use any of the machines to perform a Leg Curl.

    What Is the Swiss Ball Leg Curl?

    The Swiss Ball Leg Curl (or Stability Ball Leg Curl) is a Leg Curl variation that can be performed at home without the use of a Leg Curl machine. Lie down on the floor on your back. Place a Swiss Ball underneath your feet and ensure that the body is in a straight line. Squeeze the Glutes and use the ball to move your heels towards the Glutes.

    As you do so, your hips will elevate into the air. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement. The only part of your body that will have contact with the floor is your shoulder blades, neck, head, and arms.

    What Is the Stability Ball Leg Curl?

    The Stability Ball Leg Curl is the same thing as the Swiss Ball Leg Curl that we described above. The only difference is in the name!

    What Is the Seated Leg Curl Machine

    The Seated Leg Curl Machine is the machine that you will use to perform the Seated Leg Curl. This machine you can slide right into and sit upright, just as if you were sitting in a chair. You will not be able to lie down in this machine.

    What Is the Single-Leg Curl?

    A Single-Leg Curl can be in reference to performing one rep of the Leg Curl, or, performing a Single-Leg Curl in the Standing Leg Curl Machine. You could perform a Single-Leg Curl in a Lying Leg Curl machine or Seated Leg Curl machine by only having one active leg and letting the remaining leg rest. If you choose to do this, you should start with a very lightweight and then increase the load as you progress.

    What Is the Leg Extension Curl Machine

    If you are looking to purchase a Leg Curl machine, you can buy dual Leg Extension Curl Machines. These machines can be adjusted so that you can perform the Leg Extension and the Leg Curl on one machine! 

    How to Do a Leg Curl Without Machine 

    If you are looking to perform the Leg Curl without a machine, you can try the Swiss Ball or Stability Ball Leg Curl variation that we described above. You could also lie down on a bench and try a dumbbell Leg Curl, but we encourage you to exercise great caution and use a lighter weight to avoid injury.

    Lying Leg Curl Alternative

    Some Lying Leg Curl Alternatives include the Romanian Deadlift and Kettlebell Swing. You could also perform a Glute Bridge, Back Extension, or Good Morning.

    What Are Leg Curl Benches?

    Leg Curl Benches are a type of bench that will allow you to perform a Leg Curl. These benches will have an area that you can insert a load onto.

    How to Do Leg Curls at Home?

    If you are trying to perform the Leg Curl at home, use a stability ball! You could also try tying a TheraBand or resistance band to a secure object and perform a Lying Leg Curl on the floor.

    What's the Difference Between the Leg Extension and Curl Machine?

    The difference between them is that leg extensions target the quadriceps muscles, where as leg curl machine targets the hamstring muscles.

    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


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