Exercise Tutorial: Cat Cow

Table of Contents

    What Is a Cat Cow

    The Cat-Cow (also known as Chakravakasana) is a dynamic movement that is usually performed during Yoga. This exercise alternates between two positions to lengthen the spine and is a favourite of those who practice yoga for increasing flexibility in the spine, neck, and shoulders. The increased flexibility from performing the Cat Cow can help to reduce pain in those areas and promote proper posture.

    How to Do a Cat Cow

    The Cat Cow is two movements put together. To learn how to perform the Cat Cow, follow these simple steps below

    1. Begin down on all fours, with your palms underneath the shoulders and your knees underneath the hips.

    2. Take a deep breath in and begin to enter the ‘Cat’ position. This is where you arch your spine as high as you can by bringing your belly button towards the spine. You should resemble a cat arching its back. Hold the Cat position for two counts. 

    3. Exhale and enter the ‘Cow’ position. Draw your belly button towards the floor and look forwards. You should resemble the hanging belly of a cow. Hold the Cow position for two counts.

    4. Continue to alternate between the Cat and Cow positions slowly, while focusing on your breathing.

    Cat Cow

    Cat Cow Form

    The form of your Cat Cow can influence the speed you reach your goals. To achieve all of the benefits of the Cat Cow, be sure to follow these cues, 

    • When in the Cat position, tilt your forehead towards the floor and let the neck relax

    • When in the Cow position, tilt your forehead towards the ceiling

    • When in the Cow position, keep the shoulders down and back

    • Keep your toes tucked throughout the movement

    • Keep your fingers facing forwards throughout the movement

    Cat Cow Benefits

    There are so many benefits to incorporating the Cat Cow into your exercise routine! The Cat Cow is a great warm-up exercise to prepare the body for movement. This is especially the case if you have been sitting all day and you are experiencing back pain. The Cat Cow can help you to become more aware of your spine, and even reduce back pain when performed regularly. 

    There are some claims that the Cat-Cow has internal benefits such as stimulating various organs and chakras. Furthermore, the Cat-Cow is beneficial due to the movement’s ability to promote deep breathing. This deep breathing can help to reduce stress. 

    Lastly, the Cat Cow can easily be modified. For example, if you have wrist pain, you can perform the Cat Cow on your forearms. You can also place a mat or cushion under your knees if you are experiencing pain. As well, you can perform the Cat Cow sitting upright in a chair if getting down and on the ground is difficult or unsafe for you.

    Cat Cow Muscles Worked

    The Cat Cow will primarily stretch the muscles of the lower back and the rectus abdominus. The Cat Cow will also stretch the following muscles as you perform the movement,

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    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


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