Exercise Tutorial: Butterfly Stretch

Table of Contents

    What Is a Butterfly Stretch

    Have you ever stood up after sitting for a long period of time and felt tightness in the Hips and Low Back? Perhaps you went for a run a few days ago and are feeling soreness in your Groin. The Butterfly Stretch is a simple position that will help you to reduce muscle tightness, improve posture and increase flexibility in the Hips!

    How to Do Butterfly Stretch

    It is very simple to learn how to do the Butterfly Stretch. What’s great about the Butterfly Stretch is that it can be performed anywhere, and virtually anyone can do this stretch! To learn how to do the Butterfly Stretch, follow these quick steps: 

    1. Have a seat on the ground with your legs outstretched in front of you. You might want to sit on a Yoga Mat if you are seated on a hard surface- but it is not necessary.

    2. Bring your feet together as close to the body as possible. Your knees will bend out towards each side as you bring your feet together. The soles of each foot will be touching each other. Try to bring your heels as close to the Glutes as possible!

    3. Use your elbows to push your knees down towards the ground. This will increase the intensity of the Butterfly Stretch. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds and repeat for 2-3 sets.

    You have now learned how to do a Butterfly Stretch!

    Butterfly Stretch.png

    Butterfly Stretch Form

    Although the Butterfly Stretch is easy to both learn and perform, there are some simple mistakes that can occur! The most important thing to remember when performing the Butterfly Stretch is to keep your back upright. You do not want to have a slouched torso when performing this stretch. As well, use your hands to hold your feet together and your forearms/elbow to apply pressure to the knees.

    Remember that flexibility varies for everyone! Some people will be able to almost touch their knees to the floor, while others with less flexibility will struggle to push their knees down at all! Consistent performance of this stretch and other stretches that increase flexibility in the Hips will result in improvement over time!

    Butterfly Stretch Muscles

    The Butterfly Stretch will target the muscles in your Groin, specifically the Adductor muscle group. The Adductor muscle group consists of the Gracilis, Obturator Externus, Adductor Brevis, Adductor Longus, and Adductor Magnus. Secondary muscles that are involved in the Butterfly Stretch can include the Hamstrings and Hip Flexors.

    Butterfly Stretch Benefits 

    The Butterfly Stretch has many benefits including,

    • Improved flexibility

    • Reduced tension and tightness in the Groin

    • Improved stability and balance

    • Improved posture

    • Improved mobility

    • Reduced risk of injury  

    Remember that the benefits of the Butterfly Stretch will only come with consistent performance!

    Why is the Butterfly Stretch Useful

    The Butterfly Stretch is a useful stretch for runners and field or court sport athletes. The Groin can often become tight for these athletes as the Adductors become short, resulting in an increased risk of injury. The Butterfly Stretch aims to reverse this tightness by lengthening these muscles. Gymnasts will also benefit from this stretch as it will help to increase flexibility in the hips and prepare the muscles for movement.

    Butterfly Stretch Pain

    Stretching should never be painful! If you are experiencing pain during any stretch, it is a sign that you are stretching too far, or you may have an existing injury that you are irritating. If you have recently experienced a Groin or Knee injury, place a pillow under both knees when performing this stretch for some extra support. Only apply a slight amount of pressure to the Knees.

    Butterfly Groin Stretch

    Overall, the Butterfly Groin Stretch is safe and effective for everyone. Try performing this static stretch after a leg workout, or before Gymnastics to prepare the body for movement.

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    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


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