Exercise Tutorial: Barbell Wrist Curl

Table of Contents

    What Is a Barbell Wrist Curl

    The Barbell Wrist Curl is an exercise aimed to increase strength in the forearms. With consistent performance, the Barbell Wrist Curl will allow you to lift more weight during various exercises. The Barbell Wrist Curl specifically targets the extensors of the forearm, such as the Brachioradialis.  

    How to Do a Barbell Wrist Curl

    To complete the Barbell Wrist Curl, you will need a bench and a barbell. Follow these steps to learn how to complete the Barbell Wrist Curl.

    1. Sit on the edge of a bench with your legs hip-width apart and feet flat on the floor. Hold the barbell in your hands using an underhand grip. 

    2. Rest your elbows on your thighs. Your wrists should be just in front of the knee. 

    3. Curl your wrists towards the elbows. Slow return to the starting position.

    You have now performed the Barbell Wrist Curl!

    Barbell Wrist Curl Form

    When it comes to form during the Barbell Wrist Curl, there are not as many key points to remember when compared to other exercises. When performing the Barbell Wrist Curl, remember to,

    • Keep the feet firmly planted on the floor

    • Take your time and control the movement

    • Only the wrist should be in motion during the Barbell Wrist Curl

    Barbell Wrist Curl Exercise.gif

    Barbell Wrist Curl Benefit

    Some of the benefits of the Barbell Wrist Curl include, 

    • It is an isolation movement

    • Builds strength in the forearms

    • Overall increased strength of the arm

    • Can lift heavier loads

    • Improved grip strength

    Why Is the Barbell Wrist Curl Useful

    The Barbell Wrist Curl is beneficial for everyone because it increases grip strength. Grip strength is important because the strength in our wrists is what allows us to complete everyday activities such as carrying groceries, or sports such as rock climbing. The Barbell Wrist Curl is also beneficial because increased strength in the forearm will translate to improvements in other exercises such as the Pull up or Chin up.

    Barbell Wrist Curl Variation

    The Barbell Wrist Curl has a few variations that you can try. Here are a few examples.

    Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl

    The Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl involves the same movement and form as the Barbell Wrist Curl, it just involves a different position of the wrists. In the Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl, your palms will be facing away from you as you are using an overhand grip. Continue to perform the Barbell Wrist Curl as usual.

    Standing Wrist Curl

    To perform the standing wrist curl, stand up straight. Remember to brace your core and slightly bend your knees before you begin.

    Seated Barbell Wrist Curl

    The seated barbell wrist curl can be done using a bench or a box. This variation allows you to focus more on your wrists compared to the standing variations.

    Barbell Wrist Curl Pain

    Sometimes, you can experience pain when performing the Barbell Wrist Curl, especially when performing the Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl. If you are experiencing pain during the Barbell Wrist Curl, try performing the exercise using an EZ Bar. The EZ Bar can take some of the pressure off of the wrists and allow for a more comfortable movement. 

    If you are experiencing extreme pain during the Barbell Wrist Curl, it is best to stop the exercise and see your Doctor so they can determine if there is an injury in the wrist or forearm.

    Stephanie Zaban (R. Kin & MPK)

    Stephanie graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an Honours Specialization BA in Kinesiology. In addition, she accomplished a Master of Professional Kinesiology, (MPK) from the University of Toronto.

    Stephanie Zaban is a Registered Kinesiologist from the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario.


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    Exercise Tutorial: Barbell Curl